le6676 Member


  • Hello! 5'3 HW:142 LW:119 CW:120 Goal: 117-118
  • Looking to lose 1stone/14lbs. On a bit of a plateau at the moment. Needing support and giving support! :)
  • ok, thanks guys! i weigh now 8stone 9lbs, that is healthy but i always liek to stay just undre 8stone 7lbs x
    in HELP! Comment by le6676 August 2011
  • Yeah, i will definitively eat around 1200 but im just wondering weather the true weight loss comes from eating less or excercising more, what do i need to be doing more?
    in HELP! Comment by le6676 August 2011
  • ok.. crap lol
  • rightt, so would i be gaining weight at all from the last 3 days of going over?
  • okk thankyou. i am supposed to be eating around 2000 calories a day in order to stay the same weight as i am now to loose i should be eating about 1200 but today and yesterday i have been eating about 2500 or so
  • Sometimes I want to eat but I think, no i'm not hungry, so then I wait until my tummy starts to rumble and then I think it's an excuse to eat, but no I've learned, and i'm sure you will too, to only eat when you feel hungry that it hurts. For example that pain you get in the morning before you've had breakfast. I am just…
  • Yeah, when I came across this website on youtube I was so amazed, I was telling everyone about it but no-one seemed to care! Welcome, i'm sure you will get alot of motivation x
  • haha thats a really good idea well done!!
  • yeah don't worry i always put on a few more pounds according to the scales but it just goes after my week of mother nature is over x
  • your so slim how can you lose 3lb a week?!
    in Is it true Comment by le6676 June 2011
  • True, i should drink more water, I tend to get more hungry rather than thirsty, thankyou :)
    in Is it true Comment by le6676 June 2011
  • i'm 5'3 and i'd like to lose 6lb
  • Wow, you look like you have lost alot of weight in the face and you don't appear to have love handles! Well done for deciding to motivate yourself. There is no reason that you can't get to the weight you want to be at. You just have to stay motivated! Keep busy during the day to stop yourself wanting to eat. I used to get…
  • Well done for getting back on track, its good to get motivation from people like you! Today i've just been a bit greedy haha, thankyou
  • Yeah, I do workouts almost everyday haha but I feel so guilty when I go above my limit!
  • Thank you, my mum and gym instructor says that my weight will fluctuate all the time so if the scales are showing me 1lb in difference it doesn't actually mean I have lost, nor put it on. I hope that's right! haha x
  • Haha thanks guys, and thankyou that picture wasn't too long ago but theres places here and there that have excess baggage. And yeah same I have such a sweet tooth its my weakness :) x
  • True, the reason I had such a big calorie intake today is because I made some jam tarts, and I ate quite a few, then I just started to munch through the day because I was bored. I'm studying so its hard to get out of the house :(
  • I have porridge with cut up fruit, its still sweet but it's good because you don't need to add the sugar to make it sweet. The oats fill me up for a while. It's a good breakfast and if i'm peckish for lunch I will have it then too. That is my only idea sorry :)
  • I have porridge with cut up fruit, its still sweet but it's good because you don't need to add the sugar to make it sweet. The oats fill me up for a while. It's a good breakfast and if i'm peckish for lunch I will have it then too. That is my only idea sorry :)
  • Well done, I hope I end up like you :)