

  • We are in the same boat. Sugar is, and has always been, my enemy! Though, thankfully, I crave it less the older I get and I find my pallet has refined it's self to the kinds of sugar I choose. No more eating a box of cheap chocolate covered cherries around Christmas time, instead there is a daily dose of a little dark…
  • I have the same goal of being fit by 40. I will turn 39 in August, so a little more time than you. I stay home with my 3 daughters, 14, 11 and almost 9. I would love to run! I just can't seem to make myself so it and stick to it! So I walk a lot and am working to build myself up to long distances. I will add you and can be…
  • Or many just don't care enough to know about it.
    in Americans Comment by heatherrnw May 2013
  • Just out of Austin in Georgetown :smile:
  • I drink a lot of water on my own usually since it's pretty much the only thing I drink. I figured it was a way to get people to drink more water :wink: I'm just not sure how to log it as caloric intake. As of now I log it as a recipe with the fruits in it and it comes up as a lot of sugar so it made me wonder if having it…
  • Today is day four for me as well! I had the app on my phone for a little more than a year and stopped using it before I even really used it. I sort of lost care for trying to lose weight for the past year and finally decided it was time to do something. I started on Monday, working out with a ballet bar workout and doing…