Dozer91 Member


  • All my friends on my feed ignore me so add me and lets motivate each other!
  • Im looking for new friends too!! Feel free to add me.
  • I had this problem for 2 years, after I hit 35 years old and 197 pounds it seems like nothing could help me lose the weight. I was hitting the gym for hours at a time and changing my calorie/macro intake. Finally, I switched to a full paleo diet and took special supplements to combat my hormone imbalance that comes with…
  • I have no idea what keto means in reference to Paleo or what I am supposed to be looking regarding this fruit chart other than the fact that some fruit are naturally more sugary than others. There is no red line or even reference to what the limit should be. It is because grapes and bananas are the most sugary that I kept…
  • There is some good Paleo Hot chocolate recipes out there in the googlespheres, just make sure to make them with coconut milk, not Almond milk. I even saw a carrot cake made with dates and coconut milk. I am all for it. Yum.
  • PS. Winter is my favorite season. If I can't roller skate, why don't I just ice skate instead??
  • MILWAUKEE REPRESENTING!!!!! Feel free to add me. <3
  • I just started Paleo by recommendation from my doctor. Feel free to add me to your sugar free group. :)
  • You can add me. SW:226 CW:195 GW:165 Height:5'5" 38 years old.
  • I am a mom of 3! You can friend me. :)
  • I am 38 and had my 3rd child almost 2 years ago and know exactly how you feel. My other children are 20 and 12 so this baby sure did a number on my body. I am only a size up from where I was before I had the baby but its the hardest I ever had to work for to get any smaller. Did you ever read the book "The Hormone Cure" by…
  • I work out hard. I box, swim, play hockey and I've had so many injuries, (back, knee, shoulder, ect) that I have exercises I do when I am recovering. I actually took swimming lessons this winter because I blew out my knee and now swim 1-2 days a week. I need the non-impact. I have also done yoga when in a recovery pattern.…
  • Ok lets find my twin.... Age: 37 Hight 5 ft 6" SW: 236 post-pregnancy 3rd child CW: 189 year and 1/2 later GW: 170 I love playing hockey, boxing and swimming..oh and chocolate.
  • I focus on sports training instead of gyming it for the sake of gyming it. It gives me the motivation to train harder because for some reason I feel I have more of a purpose for doing it. I take boxing lessons, swim and play hockey once a week. My gym workouts go from hitting the heavy bag, interval training, trail skating…
  • I snack ALL THE TIME. I love sweets. I normally eat.... Sugar plum tomatoes, Sugar snap peas, grapes, blueberries, raspberries special K Pastry bars (brown sugar and cinnamon) OMG its like a poptart, seriously. Pretzels and light creme cheese, nutrigrain bars, Hersheys dark chocolate kisses (3 a day tops), apples and…
  • Everyone is different. I have been at this for over a year and 1/2. The year mark was my goal date. It didn't happen. I was still over 20 lbs where i needed to be. I have seen doctors, been to weight watchers, read books about mineral and vitamin regimens, stuck to my workouts 4-5 days a week with a calorie intake of…
  • My sweet baby is 1 year and 1/2 and I am still 10 pounds away from my prepregnancy weight. This was my 3rd pregnancy with 19 years between my first and my last. I am in my late 30s. When I had my last child I was induced and actually gained weight in the hospital. I left weighing 236. I started working out 4-5 days a week…
  • I took about a month & 1/2 worth of lessons in the winter and have been swimming 1--2 times a week for an hour or more each time. I play hockey and box 1-2 times week/sport, also trail skate and lift to supplement so I needed something non-impact yet soul crushing to add along with things to switch things up. I have really…
  • It looks like everyone is saying the same things but I personally sports train instead of workout. I play hockey, box and swim. I take lessons for each. That way I work on seeing improvement in my skills not on the scale. Its more rewarding for me. I guess the common theme here is to try to find something you like to do…
  • Very very nice post. I am actually gaining weight but I have almost dropped a size in the past month. I have a feeling my body is simply turning into a she-hulk and that it just fine. <3 Keep up the positive attitude.
  • My biggest peeve... I am running on the treadmill in an empty row at the gym. (I come in the middle of the day) and someone takes the one RIGHT NEXT TO ME! Then gawks at the numbers and setting on the treadmill. Maybe I have personal space issues but I like to enforce the every other rule. Get off my **** dude!
  • I'm active!! I like friends!!! <3
  • SW: 236 CW:191 MW: 185 (pregnancy weight!) GW: 160-170 (I'll decide when I get there)
  • I am spending this year changing my workout routines in to sustainable lifestyle activities. This past year I joined a Woman's Hockey League, took up boxing classes and finished a round of swimming lessons. I find it easier to keep up with workouts when I can see improvement in other things rather than just numbers on a…
  • I am like you. I started at 226 over a year ago and am down to 191. I had tried everything including Weight Watchers. I finally went to a nutritionist. She said it is perfectly fine to lose 3 lbs a month. She said if the fat percentage on my body is high it will take longer to convert fat to muscle. Even though I am not…
  • Can you message me about a liver cleanse? What does that entail? Thanks!
  • I am 5'6. I look my best around 160-170lbs. which is about a size 12/13. I am currently 191lbs and wear a size 14W. Waist: 33" Hips: 42" Thighs: 27" Personally, I like to feel like an athlete and know if I can go hard at the gym for an hour to an hour 1/2 4-5 days a week, then I feel great. Numbers on a scale is bull****.…
  • I have a stocky build but have been an athlete for most of my adult life which lead to a strong and muscular body. My husband's family has a naturally high metabolism and even though I am a little curvier than most of my husband's family I am stronger and more fit.....that is until we had our first child. My pregnancy was…
  • Can I love all these posts?!?! After spraining my MCL in my left knee I sunk deep into the couch and into Netflix land and it didn't want to let me go. So this month I decided to take swimming lessons. I have channeled my inner mermaid and enjoying every moment at the gym. Not only can I swim the front crawl for fitness, I…