

  • I find a lot of celebrities are too skinny...and I do not wish too be that skinny. I look unhealthy if I am anywhere under 140 pounds. Even at 140...I look like I am barely 110. That is too skinny.
  • Hot chocolate is mine!!
  • It is amazing what cutting out something as simple as sodas can do for you!!
  • I think I read somewhere that she wanted to do the first weigh in soon, I think she is just getting a feel for who all wants to :) So you havent missed yet! :)
  • I would like to join in as well. I weighed this week on a Monday, so I think it would be a good idea to keep monday as my weigh day. Anyone doing the challenge can feel free to add me! My goal by Christmas is to lose 15 pounds! i think I can do that :)
  • I can't do WW. I liked it when I was younger, but my problem is I hoarded points. i felt you really don't get to eat a lot. I was never satisfied, I didn't want to waste my points on anything. With MFP, I eat throughout the day, and am usually so full I want to explode by the time it is evening. I like that I can still…
  • What kind of breakfast would you have? Would you prepare it, bring it with you and heat up if needed when you got to work? I might need to start doing this, especially if it helps! If I eat early like this morning, I find myself hungrier earlier in the day
  • I am exactly like this!
  • Thanks, I like seeing what other people do. I tend to eat breakfast early, because I have to leave my house for 6 am to be at work on time. So I like eating a hearty breakfast. And lunch I usually try to space out. I have tried snacks in between, but I find when I sit and eat them..I tend to eat everything I brought for…
  • I have a Scottish Terrier, just turned 6, named Maxwell. He loves going for walks. Though he tends to walk me more than I walk him
  • You want to weigh it after, that is the most accurate weight
  • Welcome back Carla! I know the feeling, I took some time off, came back, and then last week was not good and now I have to lose what I gained back! We can totally do this :)
  • 1 m&m always turns into 2, which turns into a handful, which turns into the whole bag for me! Good job!!
  • back to it bright and early today!! hope everyone has a wonderful day
  • We have rain coming in as parents live in west texas and it was hailing last night. I am attempting to work but it is going so slowly
  • My bosses have been here a whole 30 minutes and they just left to go to lunch HAHAHAHA love them
  • My dog begs for cheese and tuna! He hears the tuna can hit the counter, or the cheese drawer in the refrigerator open and he comes running
  • It is supposed to storm here soon...and off and on all day! That is New Orleans for you...during the summer it will rain periodically, they call it a "blessing"...the 5 minutes the temp cools down before getting humid and disgusting again LOL
  • My bosses have still yet to arrive and it is almost 11! I should call and ask if they are ok! I am finishing up some computer work and going to do some filing! So i might be off and on for a little while! Speak of the devil! Hopefully things will pick up soon with some tasks!
  • Yeah , I haven't done the Zumba since I moved, we live on the third floor...we should be moving to a first floor apt soon, so I will get to do it then, and I plan on doing Insanity as well. If I didn't eat after 7 I would never eat! I wish something like that would work in my life, but it just doesnt, it never has. By the…
  • I dont know if I would like not being able to get up to stretch or something and being questioned. I hate sitting all day here, so sometimes i will walk up the stairs instead of the elevator and any time i get to leave the office i take it. I hurt myself a couple of weeks ago doing Zumba on the wii and when i sit too long…
  • Ah, that is cool. I am a paralegal for a small law firm. I enjoy it. I have been slowly working on billing this morning for May. I completed all my work yesterday. And since the attorneys are still not here and it is going on 10, I dont want to sit here and have nothing to do. I know once they get here i will be swamped…
  • I am up for anything really! What do you do for work?
  • LOL. I try not to bring any snacks unless they are healthy! I even have some 100 calorie popcorn! I am slowly doing work this morning..time keeping...I am a paralegal in New Orleans...I actually just realized that my profile on here still said Texas and I have lived in Mississippi since July! And recently moved to…
  • I add anyone...I need the support! I get it from my boyfriend now that we live together...because he is a health nut, and I have been MIA for a couple weeks because of my move and new job. But I am back at it and would welcome anyone who wants to add me at anytime! I need people to kick my butt! LOL
  • Haha...soooo sometimes I watch iCarly (dont judge) and they eat s'ghetti tacos all the time...Italian meets Mexican..Ole!
  • Thanks! :)
  • I've always heard that whatever your workout routine you have done before pregnancy and through pregnancy will be ok, but if you suddenly start working out during pregnancy when You didn't work out before, that can actually hurt you and the baby. I would think it would be ok (I am no doctor however) but I would say to def…
  • You usually need to put calories back in or you will go into starvation mode. I know this from personal experience. I was on 1200 Calorie a day diet and burning 600 a day from working out. I stopped losing weight and actually started gaining. After a work out, eat something high in protein. I love also having bananas after…
  • To see all 4 photos "grab" the picture with your mouse and bring it up to the top bar in your browser and it will open it up full page and you can see all 4 Great job!