Working at the Office

For those of you who work in an office (or don't but find yourself in similar situations), how do you eat lunch? Do you eat your lunch all at once, or do you space it out over the course of the afternoon to help with some of those afternoon cravings?

I tend to be a bored eater, and on a slow day...especially like today as my bosses have never came in...I find I want to just eat, or that I am more hungry than I really should be. What do you do?


  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Breakfast at 6:30 am
    Snack at 10 am
    Lunch around 11 am - 12 pm
    Maybe a small snack at 3 pm
    Dinner around 6 pm

    Water all throughout the day. When I eat, I make sure I'm hungry and not just bored. I usually only bring enough food for the day so I'm not snacking unncessarily.
  • Ajasper83
    Ajasper83 Posts: 107 Member
    I am fortunate enough I can drive home for lunch (provided I'm not too busy) and I eat my full lunch there, or bring it to work with me. I generally bring a snack so around 2:30-3-ish I am not hungry. I work out after work so the snack is important so I am not on an empty stomach. I am a bored eater as well so I make sure if I am going to zone out and eat, it is stuff like carrots or other fruits/veggies.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    Breakfast at 6:30 am
    Snack at 10 am
    Lunch around 11 am - 12 pm
    Maybe a small snack at 3 pm
    Dinner around 6 pm

    Water all throughout the day. When I eat, I make sure I'm hungry and not just bored. I usually only bring enough food for the day so I'm not snacking unncessarily.

    Me too for the most part! I also have another snack later in the evening. I eat 6 small meals throughout the entire day!
  • Clumz27
    Clumz27 Posts: 60 Member
    Breakfast at 6:30 am
    Snack at 10 am
    Lunch around 11 am - 12 pm
    Maybe a small snack at 3 pm
    Dinner around 6 pm

    Water all throughout the day. When I eat, I make sure I'm hungry and not just bored. I usually only bring enough food for the day so I'm not snacking unncessarily.

    Me too for the most part! I also have another snack later in the evening. I eat 6 small meals throughout the entire day!

    This is what I do too
  • Phatgirl420
    Phatgirl420 Posts: 197 Member
    I usually eat breakfast at 8:30, have a mid morning snack around 10:30-11, eat lunch at 12:30, mid afternoon snack around 2:30, dinner around 6, then a small evening snack around 8 or so
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    I eat because I'm bored. But I know that - so I snack on fruit. Otherwise I make little parcles of 100 calorie - ish snacks and keep them in my drawer. I only bring to work my allowance for the day, otherwise I will go over.

    Before I started MFP I used to eat stuff like cookies, chocolate, lollies and muffins for snacks!!!

    So to answer your question, I eat a full on breakfast. Snack on fruit, a light ish lunch and I try and get enough protien in there to last me until dinner... and I usually slip an apple or something similar in there for 3.30pm munchies.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    I am not good at managing it. I usually just eat how I feel and I'm a bored eater too. There are days when I'm busy that I dont need a snack. And other days that I want to eat all day.
  • BFlowers2
    Thanks, I like seeing what other people do.

    I tend to eat breakfast early, because I have to leave my house for 6 am to be at work on time. So I like eating a hearty breakfast. And lunch I usually try to space out. I have tried snacks in between, but I find when I sit and eat them..I tend to eat everything I brought for the day :-X Not sure how to stop that!

    I think my big issue is probably not drinking as much water as I should.

    I like hearing what others do!

    I wish I could go home for lunch, but if I step outside it is probably going to be one of the many delicious but not so healthy food stops New Orleans has to offer :X
  • BFlowers2
    I am not good at managing it. I usually just eat how I feel and I'm a bored eater too. There are days when I'm busy that I dont need a snack. And other days that I want to eat all day.

    I am exactly like this!
  • coledogs
    I have to leave at 6am to be at the office as well. I used to eat before i left for work but i eliminated this habit and had breakfast at the office at 8am. At first it was hard as i was very hungry but i would have a coffee in the car on the way to work, after a while i replaced this with water. Snack at 10:30am then a 20min walk before lunch which is between 12-1pm snack at 3pm and then train after work with dinner after that.
  • BFlowers2
    I have to leave at 6am to be at the office as well. I used to eat before i left for work but i eliminated this habit and had breakfast at the office at 8am. At first it was hard as i was very hungry but i would have a coffee in the car on the way to work, after a while i replaced this with water. Snack at 10:30am then a 20min walk before lunch which is between 12-1pm snack at 3pm and then train after work with dinner after that.

    What kind of breakfast would you have? Would you prepare it, bring it with you and heat up if needed when you got to work? I might need to start doing this, especially if it helps! If I eat early like this morning, I find myself hungrier earlier in the day
  • Wol5894
    Wol5894 Posts: 127 Member
    Hubby is retired, so I am the one at work whilst he is at home. I usually cycle to and from work but he comes to meet me at lunchtime and we either go home for lunch (by car, as it would take too long to walk both ways and still get lunch) or sometimes, if the weather is nice, he'll drop by to Subway and get a couple of salads and we'll walk to somewhere nice and have lunch together. Obviously it helps if you have some nice spots to go and eat (which I am lucky enough to have).

    I have a small range of snacks at work which are all around the 100 calorie mark BUT I get a colleague of mine to lock the majority of them away and I only have one or, at most, two of these in a day. Otherwise, my day works out like this:

    Breakfast - 8am
    Snack & coffee - 11am(ish)
    Lunch - 1pm - 2pm
    Snack & tea - 4pm

    Cycle home, usually the "long" way - about 3 miles, most of which is uphill

    Dinner - 7pm

    Try to recruit a particular friend at work to keep an eye on you - it works but can fall down when that friend is on holiday, so have someone else in reserve if you can.

    I've got a lot to lose (like 140 lbs), so every little helps.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I bring breakfast and lunch to work with me every day. I bring about 700-800 cals worth of food (so I have 600-700 remaining for dinner/dessert when I get home).

    Breakfast - 8:30 (low sugar oatmeal packet or Luna bar)
    Morning Snack - 10:30 (banana or almonds)
    Lunch - noon (different every day but usually around 350 cals)
    Snack 1 - 2pm (apple)
    Snack 2 - 4pm (greek yogurt)

    I work out as soon as I get home (6 or 6:30ish) and then eat dinner after. It works out.
  • tatev94
    I"m similar to most people who have posted so far. I space my food out every 3-4 hours so my blood sugar doesn't crash.
  • JohnMessmer
    I eat lunch at lunchtime, but I try to include grapes in my lunch and I eat them after lunch, just one or two here and there until my 1 cup is all gone, which is usually only an hour or so from the end of my day.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Breakfast at 6:30 am
    Snack at 10 am
    Lunch around 11 am - 12 pm
    Maybe a small snack at 3 pm
    Dinner around 6 pm

    Water all throughout the day. When I eat, I make sure I'm hungry and not just bored. I usually only bring enough food for the day so I'm not snacking unncessarily.

    I also follow something similar except my breakfast is at 8am.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    Breakfast at 6:30 am
    Snack at 10 am
    Lunch around 11 am - 12 pm
    Maybe a small snack at 3 pm
    Dinner around 6 pm

    Water all throughout the day. When I eat, I make sure I'm hungry and not just bored. I usually only bring enough food for the day so I'm not snacking unncessarily.

    ^^^ This almost to the "t" except I eat my breakfast at 7:30 when I get to work. I drink lots and lots of water (even though I forget to log it). Sometimes I chew gum so I won't be tempted to snack because of boredom. I do have my days when it feels like I snack all day though.
  • sweetalker
    sweetalker Posts: 43 Member
    I wish I could go home for lunch, but if I step outside it is probably going to be one of the many delicious but not so healthy food stops New Orleans has to offer :X

    Oh lawd. If I lived in New Orleans I would weigh 500kg. Not kidding.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I leave the house at 6:30, drinking my coffee on the way.....get to the office and keep myself as busy for the morning (and drink another coffee). I don't usually eat breakfast, just not hungry that early in the morning. I have cereal bars or granola bars at my desk for a midmorning snack (9:30/10). Lunch is around 11:30/12:00 and usually large. If not, I pick up a little extra snack in the cafeteria for later in the day (string cheese, bag of chips, etc). If I have a snack, it's usually around 3:00. Dinner is around 6:30. And, as the others said, lots of water through the day. :)
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    Wake up 5:00am drink (1) 16.9 ounce bottle of water
    Breakfast at 7:30 Protein and carb--300 calories, includes coffee with creamer
    Morning snack around 9:30 usually a piece of fruit or some nuts or a granola bar-60-150 calories,
    Lunch around 11:30 or 12:00 usually a protein, starch and veggie ( basically eat dinner for lunch)-400-600 calories
    Mid day snack around 1:30 maybe another pieice of fruit, some raw veggies like carrots, maybe some popcorn, fat free yogurt or piece of cheese--60 - 150 calories
    I drink water all day--I keep (3) full 16.9 ounce and drink those by the end of the day

    I always have enough healthy snacks around so that I am not tempted to go get chips, candy etc. from the store across the street.