Working at the Office



  • cowgirlup327
    cowgirlup327 Posts: 58 Member
    I work an 8-hr day at an office but don't really get a lunch break. I have time to eat, but not a set 30 minutes or hour to leave the office or do whatever I want, which means I'm eating at my desk, usually while I continue to do a little work. My hours are 10-6, so I've usually had breakfast at home before coming to work; if not, I'll have something as soon as I get to the office when I have my coffee. Sometimes I'll have some extra fruit or granola bar or something similar in the morning before lunch. Whatever time I start feeling really hungry is when I eat the main part of my lunch, and then I usually leave a snack (lately an apple or apple slices with peanut butter, since I just went apple picking), for later in the afternoon. I go to the gym after work on certain days of the week, so those days I'll bring a little extra to have at work so I don't need to eat a snack right before the gym. I pack my lunch every day, so what I bring is all that I'm able to eat. I have a 27 ounce Kleen Kanteen that I fill with water and drink a full one of those every day as well, which helps if my stomach is feeling a little empty. If I feel like snacking and know I'm not hungry, I'll chew some sugarless gum.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    Breakfast part one around 7 a.m., at home (ussually some low fat yogurt, or milk with oats or other cereal, something around 100-150 calories)
    Breakfast part two around 9 a.m., at work (I make around 1 hour up to work, even if I get a big breakfast I am hungry as hell when I arive work or 1 hour after - the rest of my calories in many forms)

    Fruit snack at 11-11:30 a.m. (ussually an apple, a pear... sometimes I am wild and just bring strawberries or grapes :lol: )

    Lunch around 13 p.m. If I go to university that day, I don't go lunch and I pack some sandwiches (I try to load them with veggies, if not I bring separatly carrots). If I don't go I take my lunch hour break and go to caffeterias around workplace with workmates; I am lucky because they have `homemade` food, nothing fast-food so I can get a salad, grilled chicken or legumes stew or fish, etc. At work we may choose if we want to take our extra lunch hour or not. When I am not bussy I preffer to take; a little extra exercise to get there and some relaxation.

    Snack at 5 p.m. Mostly seeds, nuts and/or rice cakes. No more than 100-150 calories if I arrive home already. If I stay late at university that day I may up until 300 calories.

    Dinner at... something later than 7 p.m. When I arrive home I eat. When I arrive after 10 p.m. I'll only have a salad or something low calorie (the second snack consumes from my dinner), but I will eat my remaining calories.

    I usually prepare my meals so mostly only lunch is a `surprize` if I eat out, but over time I have learned to approximate the calories for that also so I don't eat more than planned.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I eat at my desk, and it usually takes me about an hour or so. I work from home and in an office. I eat the same way both places.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    I eat three main meals and three snacks. That has helped me to control my eating. I tend to have my snacks at my desk or in meetings. I sometimes graze like a cow. Either way my metabolism has shot up.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I pre-log breakfast, lunch, AM/PM snack and a nighttime one. Then I know how much I can eat....and what I can not.
    7:30AM-10AM- Breakfast, time is different some days/weeks because sometimes Im hungry othertimes I'm not.
    Noon-1PM Lunch
    2PM-4PM Snack. I've been eating half a tortilla with turkey. Gives me some carbs and some protein.
    6PM- Dinner.

    I know I'm always hungry in the afternoon, so I let myself have a snack. Sometimes I'm hungry all little snacks here and there.

    Today was slow so I wanted to eat, but I have everything logged and I had no room to eat more than the one snack I have for the afternoon...So I didn't.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member

    I tend to eat everything I brought for the day :-X Not sure how to stop that!

    I put mine either in a drawer or another room. Today I bought an apple to have as an afternoon snack then put it in my desk drawer, the afternoon went by and it is still in my drawer waiting for me to eat it tomorrow. On the water thing, I bought a drinking bottle, you know the one you take when you go running, which says "Kissing goodbye to my cellulite", and that as well as being on here spurs me on to drink more water than I ever have before.
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    My shift is 11am-7pm and my eating schedule is usually along the lines of this:

    Breakfast at 9:30
    BIG lunch around 1:30 (Usually holds me over until around 5/6)
    Small snack around 5/6
    Then I'll usually go to the gym and/or tanning (I know, I know) and when I get home have dinner around 8:30
  • roslynns
    I have a drawer full of snacks my biggest problem but yesterday i started bringing only my breakfast n lunch.. once i eat all i have in my drawer now i wont be buying anymore unless there 100 calories or less.. I try to give most of them away when my coworkers come in and ask do i have anything sweet :embarassed: I guess they know BIG girl gone always have snacks..
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I'm a bit of a three meals a day kinda gal and no snacking and find that having good calorific meals keep me satiated until the next one. However I understand the boredom thing and here's some thoughts...

    Chew gum
    Find nice low cal drinks to enjoy
    Find a task that interests you.
    If desperate snack on fruit and veg. : )
  • carolacep
    Breakfast at 6:30 am
    Snack at 10 am
    Lunch around 11 am - 12 pm
    Maybe a small snack at 3 pm
    Dinner around 6 pm

    Water all throughout the day. When I eat, I make sure I'm hungry and not just bored. I usually only bring enough food for the day so I'm not snacking unncessarily.

    mine is basically the same. and each meal is small portioned. the annoying thing is drinking water throughout the whole day and having to use the bathroom like a million times.. lol! BUT i did notice that if i drink water throughout the day i am less hungry.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    I make my lunch in the morning before I leave. Usually it is a Turkey Sand on Wheat Bread with Reduced Fat Swiss and Lettuce/ Tomato. I have Baby Carrots, Apple Slices, and a greek yogurt with it.

    Breakfast is usually a Instant Oatmeal and/or Fresh Fruit.

    I keep snacks in my desk. Tuna Packets/Cans, Nutrigrain bars, Fiber One Bars, etc.

    Some days I also bring a banana or apple with me for a snack as well.

    I hit the gym on the way home and have dinner around 7-8pm when I get home. Lots of water through the day.