

  • Aww guys! Thank you so much for your wonderful and inspiring comments, the general feedback is to remain positive and take one day at a time and feel proud of what I have achieved so far. Also, not to beat myself up about not being so good recently but to move forward and get back on track. Much love to you all x
  • Well done! That is awesome... :-)
  • Yes I agree with the guys! Plenty of's the way forward and it does help to flush out all the toxins and supresses your appetite. I will support you in every way I can, you know that. Keep the faith and try to keep yourself busy so that you do not even think of food x
    in Hello all Comment by Sly77 June 2011
  • Well done - you are looking great :-)
  • Well done! You are looking much slimmer - keep up the great job :-)))
  • Welcome Michelle :-))
  • Thanks hun! I need to change my attitude and not beat myself up over it if I see the scales are not shifting. I very much go up and down like a yoyo and it can be very de-motivating when you see no further weightloss after some period of time. Seeing everyone's posts and comments etc makes me really feel at home and not…
  • Thank you! :-)))
  • Welcome on board! :-)
  • You are so right, that is exactly the trap I fall into...the cheating myself one! Just cos nobody is around I feel I can get away with stuffing my face as they are not there to judge me or be disgusted at my greedy behaviour. Like you say, I am only fooling myself. Thank you for your insight you are so right on so many…
  • :smile:
  • Hey guys! You are all so amazing, thank you so much for your support - it really is helping me. Just for info - I am based in London, England so some of the ingredients/products you are referring to may not be sold here in the UK but (without sounding dumb) you can explain them to meand we may have an alternative or the…
  • Great tips ladies! Thank you all so much...I will keep an eye on what I am eating in the day also as it may be a trigger. I have always fallen in to that trap of 'needing' something sweet after eating my savoury dinner, just to complete my meal. Does that make sense? It's like closure on my day as such. Stupid I know! I am…
  • Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! Means a lot. Look forward to buddying up with you and helping eachother to get to our individual goals :-)))
  • Wow! You look amazing, I am new to this site and yours is the first profile I have come across and already I feel motivated after seeing your pictures and hearing of your success! Well done and I hope I can keep the motivation as you have to reach my goals :smile:
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