Day 3 MFP user update...

Hello all!

Well it is day 3 now using MFP and I am loving it, so many inspirational people around and it really is a fantastic thing to be able to communicate with other people out there who have the same issues as myself. Even the silly ones too! So, thank you for that.

I am finding the tracker brilliant, it really is so wonderful to be able to see exactly what goes in to your body. I have never felt hungry since I have started this process and I am only on 1,330 cals a day. I suppose I am earning more cals as have burned them through exercise. Ideally I wanna save those cals and not eat them but so far I have not managed to achieve that. I also have noticed that I am a real protein lover lol...have been in the red twice now (oops)!

Anyway, all in all, a succesful first 3 days. I have a mini goal to get to which is exactly one month away - a lovely beach holiday for which I really am keen to lose at least 1st according to this plan and regime. I weigh myself every Monday so we shall see how I have done.

I hope you are all feeling as motivated as myself and together with this site we can help to positively influence eachother BEFORE we reach for the cupboard and raid all the naughty calorific stuff.

Good luck guys and if anyone wants to buddy up please feel free to add me, the more the merrier! :-)))


  • RitaPrior
    RitaPrior Posts: 39 Member
    Great job!
  • Sly77
    Sly77 Posts: 21
    Thank you! :-)))
  • katiewcurlz
    I've been off and on MFP for a few months now, and it's great to have a new buddy with a fresh perspective. Your enthusiasm is inspiring! Good job!
  • Sly77
    Sly77 Posts: 21
    Thanks hun! I need to change my attitude and not beat myself up over it if I see the scales are not shifting. I very much go up and down like a yoyo and it can be very de-motivating when you see no further weightloss after some period of time.

    Seeing everyone's posts and comments etc makes me really feel at home and not alone fighting this battle, and this makes me want to succeed even more and share my achievements with you all. This obviously works both ways too.

    Wooo hoooo we can do this. We are all dying to break out of the prison that is our bodies because in general life and health will be just so much sweeter! :-))

    I keep telling myself the following when I wanna eat and be naughty: "A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!!!" LOL :-)))
  • marilou32
    marilou32 Posts: 19
    Hiya! Happy 3 days! I'm so glad it's working out for you! No worries about the happens. My mini goal is also my beach 3 weeks! Ugh! I weigh-in every I'll see what happens. This week has been a bust due to my head cold but next week will be better. My weight also shifts but we live and we learn. We keep on trying until we find what is working right for us. So far, MFP is working for me and I LOVE it! Imagine how you'll feel after week 1! Keep it up girl!!!