Collins, MS
Goal met - 30 minutes of Leslie Sansone Walk away the pounds and 60 minutes of light cleaning
Friday - goal met
Goal Met - 313 calories putting Christmas decorations away
Goal met - 469 calories cleaning the church
Well, I don't have a digital scale at home, but I think I gained 1 lb. I had another Christmas gathering yesterday, so it might just be salt intake.
Good for you! I'll have to weigh in the morning. I forgot this morning.
Wed - goal met
Tuesday - Goal met
Monday - goal met
Sunday - goal not met, I was resting from exercising the rest of the week!
Sat - goal met
Friday - Goal met
Thursday - Goal met
Wed: Goal Met. Thanks for coming to workout with me. It was fun!
Tuesday - goal met
Day 5 - goal met
Day 4 Goal finally met. Had a busy day, but finished up 20 minutes of strength training at 10:00 p.m.
Day 3 Goal met
Day 2 - Goal met Thanks for the suggestion about doing upper body one day and lower body the next.
Day 1 - Goal met but I don't think my muscles will take strength training every day.
Well I started and ended the week pretty good. Challenges do make me move more. Thanks. Monday - 402 Tuesday - 293 Wednesday - 364 Thursday - 129 Friday - 428