

  • I'd vote for c, no overshirt, a med sized necklace, large fun and funky flower pin that will totally stand out on the dress and play with a non black belt to see if that too could be worked. Enjoy yourself-what a beautiful opportunity God has given you!!! I hope it goes well!
  • What is "considered normal" is very different than what is healthy. Healthy is to poop 3 or more times a day. The longer stuff sits in us the more opportunity it has to make us sick. add green smoothies to your diet- there are tons of great sites- greensmoothygirl.com has great info and some videos. Naturesgardenspot.com…
  • 5'1 here and currently 154lbs. Working hard on shedding that thru healthy eating with adding lots of raw foods to my everyday and also excercizing and learning the c25k.
  • thanks! so inspirational all of you- !!!
  • i traded my juicer in for a vita~mixer so i can get all the good stuff from the fruits and veggies and a whole lot less to clean up after.
  • You need to eat more. Keep it healthy. You are making some great changes for your body and it will pay off- but your body is not liking those low calories- eat back you work out calories for a week- see what happens- What is your daily caloric allowance? you probably shouldnt go under 1200 + your work out calories- if you…
  • Green Smoothies help with that as well! Also- its healthiest and best to go at least 3x a day! Probiotics seem to help me. Good luck- if it continues- there are alot of natureal healthy ways to get things going that are not diuretics- herbal tinctures-i get mine locally- Dr christophers Lower bowel tincture- not sure who…
  • double post -site is bad tonight!
  • Alot of acne- like many illnesses, stem from intestinal issues as well as hormonal- consider finding someone local to you who does biofeedback and that could locate what issue you are actually dealing with that is causing the problem. Sorry, not the answer your looking for, If you are going trial and error with diet also…
  • lol get your butt to work already!....yeah they seem to be having problems here tonight.
  • That is awesome! Way to go you!
  • I did a mile and a half walk sunday- thinking it could count for this challange. Let me know if not otherwise i will continue on with the 3.5 left for the week.
  • well, i am on W1 D10, yes that is not a typo. I only have 25-35 lbs to lose but these runs kill me. I am still working on running a little more gracefully and less flumping - hoping that will help with the shin pain i was getting and i got new shoes so the runs have been getting better- still not sure whne i will make it…
  • Hi! I am 5'1 and currently 155lbs want to lose at least 20 lbs and recently started the couch25k.
  • I will aim for an extra 5 miles of walking- still working on the running program and want to keep that separate- need to take that slower to be safe.
  • I grew up in florida and now live in wisconsin. IMHO pet names are okay girlfriend to girlfreind but here or on facebook or really any other place it just isnt looked at as appropriate. You never know what kind of relationship the person has with their significant other and why put out there any doubt. While i agree it is…
  • I am dealing with same issue only instead its shin splints with the couch to 5k program- i want to get out there as i have barely just begun and am loving it! ..But i googled the issue and every site says i need to take a break from it til it doesnt hurt. :( But that is not to say we cant work other areas out- and just be…
  • I have done 7 or 8 days of week one- lol not ready to move forward yet- but another thing to amp up your game that seems to be popular and effective from what i have read here is Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd and when you have has your first 30 days with here then you need to mix it up with other dvds hers or someone…
  • I make mine this way too! It is soo yummy- and for a "cheesy" type of popcorn flavor- add a good Nutritional Yeast (one that does not have the sprayed on "fortified" synthetic vitamins). I have found that this is really hard to find- if you cant find a place near you- there is a place a few hours from me that has online…
  • Way to go- change is great- awesome to remind yourself where youve been and see how far youve come- even and especially mentally
  • J.M. kicks butt. Im sore as heck. Tonight i did level one for the second time-( i did it one day last week and today was the first day i could even consider it). I give all you props for being able to do it daily, Cant wait to get there myself but dont want it interfering with my couch to 5k program that i recently…
  • So- you really do get a sort of High from working out. I have just started this- eating better and adding excercize- and this past week is the first time i am making it regular and boy do i notice a difference. My mood and outlook is better happier and I feel less stressed. Then I get this surge of energy (a little after…
  • I can join you in the raw meals- I just started a similar goal- NO MORE PROCESSED foods- but i have modified it to be more of a im gonna eat 60-90% raw (live) foods. Tonight was actually first cooked meal ive had in a while- shrimp and eggplant on the stove. Yum! But happy to go back to more raw tomorrow!.
  • i would check it out to see if it was for me for sure if i knew of a good video/utube
  • Just a shout out to everyone! Good morning!!! Get your jog on? ;)
  • Sounds Delish! Thanks for sharing cant wait to try!!
  • Awesome victory- actually brought tears to my eyes- overcoming fear is so challenging...and rewarding- GOOD FOR YOU!
  • Wouldn't lemon be acidic as other citrus foods are? I know it's astringent and cleansing, but my humble advice would be to double check on if it's truly alkaline, being citrus ... --it would seem that way - but they actually help your body to become more alkali throughout- I work part time at a wellness center that is…
  • and i thought you were just going to say ...sadistic.:)