

  • when I do the treadmill usually I just put it under "running" and they give you a list of different paces. I usually run a 10 minute mile so I put running at 6mph for 20 mins ( I ran 2 miles). hopefully that helps
  • CW: 149 GW: 145 (at the end of this one week!) I have a wedding to go to on Saturday (27th) and I don't want to be the fat friend :(
  • I love OEP just because it woke me up and I skipped out on coffee in the mornings. I did notice that I wasn't as hungry throughout the day ( possibly a mentality thing). I haven't tried the other one though so I can't really give you much input on that but honestly..if OEP has worked for you then keep going! It has…
  • I love my nike free runs! They're one of those barefoot running shoes so they don't have a lot of cushion but they are super comfy and light (I don't recommend them if you are doing a marathon or long distance running though b/c your knees will hurt).
  • there is a treadmill version of it on the c25k website. usually when I walk I do a brisk pace of 3.0 - 3.5 and when I jog/run I go anywhere from 5.5-6.5. I try to stay under a 9 minute mile so hopefully that helps a little