

  • Thanks for sharing. Making a copy now :happy:
  • My husband gave me a trilogy of Star Treck movies. For someone who likes Star Treck this would be a good gift. I don't care for Star Treck that much. When I asked him why he bought it for me he replied because he wanted them.... See his Birthday was two weeks before and when I asked him what he would want do you think he…
  • Welcome to MFP. I hope you find success in your journey. It's all about lifestyle change. I am new here to this is my first week and already I am learning a little more about myself and how I got this way. I have tried every diet in the book and only to find either I failed totally or I gained the weight back and then…
  • Congrats....Do you have any tips or favorite recipes that helped you get there. I am just starting out and I need help.
  • I almost cried when I saw that I am not alone in this. I need all the help and motivation I can get. When you have as much to loose as we do it is easy to get discouraged. Please add me ..... Lisa
  • Hi, I just started four days ago and I have almost 200 pounds to loose. I am trying to get past the question of how in the world did I get to this point and realize it was one bite at a time of the wrong foods and no exercise. In high school I was a cross country runner and I loved running. Now I look at myself and I don't…
  • Congrats that is a milestone. Keep up the work.
  • I am new at this and you gave me the courage to move forward thanks.:smile:
  • Add me please as a friend. I have almost 200 pounds to loose and doing that alone is not going to be easy. Maybe we can help motivate each other. I am looking for someone to do this with. I feel that I am alone in all this and that makes it difficult. I look forward to getting to know you and being a friend.
  • I am in the same situation as you. I have 100 + pounds to loose in fact I have almost 200 pounds to loose. I know I can't do it alone and need friends. Exercise is not easy when you are a large person and it doesn't help that you feel depressed and ashamed of how far you let yourself go. I need friends as well so please…
  • Hi, I am new to and can relate to what was said about not being on a diet and just making life style changes. I have been struggling with my weight for far to many years. I have been one of those who sits on the couch watching the biggest loser while eatting something not so good for me and saying I want to look like those…