New here! :)

Hi everyone!

Well, I have to admit - I came to this site from another site - and I absolutely love My Fitness Pal now! Thanks to my hubby who found it. He isn't signed up yet - he found that it has an app for android and he wants to help me manage recipes and such. I can't wait until you can share recipes with friends - unless you already can and I missed that?

So, back to me being new. Hi!!! I've been on my weight-loss journey for over a year. To see where I've been, visit my blog at I fluctuated between 10 pounds all year long last year, and a few months ago something finally clicked! There's a lot to it - a lot that I've learned about myself and what I need to do to be successful. But, suffice it to say that in 2 months of doing Slim in 6, I lost 8 pounds and an overall 7.1something inches. As of this morning, I'm down another 3 pounds - but I'm not going to be weighing myself consistently because my mind can get stuck on the number on the scale, and that's not the important part. The important part, for me, is exercising regularly, watching and tracking what I eat, getting in my water, and having a mindset towards overall good health. I'm not on a "DIET". I'm conditioning my life by making the choices that I need to make - forever. I need to change the name of my has the word "diet" in it. :)

Anyway, that's me in a nutshell - or at least, my journey thus far! Hi again! :)


  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    Welcome to MFP....this site is awesome!!!! Add me for support:bigsmile:
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Welcome!! MFP is so great, you will love it!! Feel free to add me, having friends to support through this journey makes it all that much easier!! :happy:
  • sunshngirl3
    I am new to and can relate to what was said about not being on a diet and just making life style changes. I have been struggling with my weight for far to many years. I have been one of those who sits on the couch watching the biggest loser while eatting something not so good for me and saying I want to look like those people someday. You know like you are just waiting for that weight loss fairy to wave her magical wand and change-o-presto you are suddenly transformed into that person you desire to become. Well reality is there is no weight loss fariy coming to my rescue. If I want to be rescued I am going to have to be my own hero. I found this site and knew it could work for me. At one time in my life I lost 60 pounds and all I did was exercise and count calories. I didn't deprive myself and the weight came off. I have tried everything short of stomach stapling or lap band to loose this weight that has kept me hidden from the world and myself for 20 plus years. I love the idea of also having a support group with other struggling as well to be there for each other. I am ready this time and know that I can suceed as can all of us. I look forward to the journey.
  • Crystalchaos72
    Welcome! You can add me as a friend if you like! I wish you the best success on this journey!