RunLillian Member


  • This is the SAME problem I had when I started P90x! I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one. I began p90x and found it difficult to juggle my running schedule AND p90x without spending 2 HOURS a day working out! I just dont have that amount of time after working a 10-12 hour shift! I did p90x for 2 months, went on vacation,…
  • Just make sure you read what the serving size is...I've made the mistake of putting one single packet into my water bottle when really one packet is two servings for more water!
  • I tried the Special K diet but realized the portions were too small and I was hungry 2 hrs later! A guy I worked with suggested eating Oatmeal and adding some chocolate protein powder on top (not a lot, just about a quarter scoop to give it flavor) MUCH better than putting brown sugar on the top : ) But he lost about 10…
    in special k Comment by RunLillian May 2010
  • I add enough chocolate protein powder to cover the top and then mix it in. Then I top it off with a sprinkle of pecans. I love it and have lost about 13lbs since! (a guy I worked with lost 8)
  • Hi! I've had the same problem! I recently (about a month and a half) stopped eating sweets and greasy foods and i've noticed a big decrease in the belly fat. I don't do too much ab work but i do run which helps. I've been running about 7-8 years so I know this decrease is because of my healthier diet. Also, I eat oatmeal…
  • Hey! I have the same schedule as you...12 hr night shifts with undetermined breaks. what I do is i have breakfast (oatmeal) around 530pm and work starts at 7. Once I get to work I kinda get busy and don't really get hungry until around 9-10pm. I pack a kashi granola bar for my "mid-morning snack". Something light I can…
  • First of all I say who cares what other peole think? When you're old and grey are you going to look back and give a crap about what people thought of you? the answer is no! No one should look at you in disgust...they should be giving you the credit you deserve to go out there and work towards a healthier life! You used to…
  • Well you have two choices: 1. You start gaining weight and then have to live through all of the hard work you have already done...again. 2. You remember why you started to lose weight in the first place...for yourself, your family...whatever. In the end it's all worth it. I'm not saying only eat veggies/fruit but remember…
    in HELP!! Comment by RunLillian July 2009
  • I didn't like salads either until I tried this... mixed lettuce (including spinach) boiled chicken chunks some feta cheese (not a lot but it def adds taste) and an oil based vinaigrette...I go with greek!
  • GNC has a women's line... Be-buff if you workout or Be-full for those that don't. I'm taking Be-buff and like it so far.. which do you take? and for how long?
  • Thanks for the comments everyone! I do cardio about 3-4 a week and I usually run or do the elliptical...I just think my body is getting used to it. I want to start strength training too so I can get more muscle definition! Hopefully this works!
  • thanks for the help again! I'll have to work more on my legs. I run 1.5-3 miles every 2 days and i don't see results from it. It is getting depressing...haha. But hopefully I'll stick to the weights and push past the bulkiness and see some better results. Thanks again!
  • Thanks for the help! I like to workout as well but work 13 hour shifts and don't always have time to do so. I usually do cardio and am looking to tone a bit with some strength training. Just to lose the flab on my arms and thighs. My arms are already large (thanks grandma) and when I lift, my arms usually just get big…
  • hey, no worries! It can be hard to get into the mindset of losing weight. I know it's difficult for me sometimes. My motivation is to be healthier overall and remain active. I mean I want to look good, too, but I see it as dedication to my future husband/children! I'm not even dating anyone but I want to ensure I am…
  • Hey everyone, I've been signed up for this since last year and it's helped me lose my first 15 lbs. Well I've been busy at work and distracted lately where I haven't been following up and not even counting my calories. I've gained back about 7lbs (insert sad music here) I've been traveling for my job and just ended my…