TerezaToledo Member


  • Ok, I think that sounds pretty confusing, right? Anyway, maybe what he meant is that you could eat at maintenance level of the weight you want to be with the activity level that you have now. That's the approach that Fat2Fit Radio has. If your goal weight is 160lbs, for example, you would put that in the calculator with…
  • Lifting heavy will definitely help the girls get back in a higher place and increase your cleavage! Tereza EM2WL Moderator and Team Member
  • Also not an expert on diabetes, but considering the experience I had with my father-in-law (who was diabetic), increasing the protein intake will definitely help decrease the intake of carbohydrates that could cause a spike on blood sugar. Also that will help him feel satiated, diminish cravings and help with building…
  • Are you still wondering what is your next step? Cut the guessing: http://pin.it/z8YVM8_ Tereza Team EM2WL
  • @sunshine2373 Welcome! You say that until you try eating at TDEE, then you will look back and ask yourself how could you eat so little for so long and dread the 5-10% cut. I increased mine, in the begining it was because I just couldn't eat so little. Now, I keep thinking of doing a small cut, just because, and cannot…
  • I'm coming over for dinner! Lentil soup over sweet potato sounds excellent! Keep looking forward and cherishing those lost inches while eating more! Here is a good article on tracking progress away from the scale: http://pin.it/Fu5602J Tereza EM2WL Moderator and Team Member
  • Ichel said it right! Lately the deals start even before the date, so it's good to keep an eye through that week. Tereza EM2WL Moderator and Team Member
  • @jerilynconn Welcome back! We missed you! I hope you had a great time and enjoyed the trip! How about sticking to the no weight-worrying trend and ditching the scale? Tereza EM2WL Moderator and Team Member
  • @ibtmas Excellent job on taking a break! It will recharge you physically and mentally making you crave going back to your workouts while helping your body recover and avoiding injuries. Here is an excellent article on rest weeks: http://pin.it/p1ZxRPE Tereza EM2WL Moderator and Team Member
  • @carolinamombo Exactly what Kelly said. Your actual TDEE is higher than what you calculated, which means your deficit is too big. Good job on hitting your protein goals! Tereza EM2WL Moderator and Team Member
  • You are doing amazing! Love to hear about less pain! DOMS is sneaky for sure. The funny thing about it is that when we din't get it as much we start to wonder whta is wrong and why we are not getting it, lol. Yea, keep checking on Cathe's deals. Usually there are deep bkack Friday discounts and you add the regular coupon…
  • @ibtmas We are here to help! Paying it forward is the name of the game, just like Ichel said ;) Tereza Team EM2WL
  • Carol, yay on feeling different, that's great! Hey, holidays are coming and it's a great time to find your TDEE! I'm not sure if you could find how much in lbs the resistance bands are. They vary, have different densities (making them easier or harder to pull), but the numbers don't matter as long as you are improving…
  • @beverlyriley900 That's the spirit! No rush, take your time, this is YOUR life, not a contest! Eating at TDEE while lifting can do wonders for your body, even though it may take longer. But honestly, doesn't it feel like life goes by fast anyway? STS is an excellent choice, that's what I was doing when I bulked. If you…
  • @beverlyriley900 Nice job on doing your reading and watching the videos. It does help to ease our hearts and minds to know what to expect. @sevio, yay on the good measurements! @ibtmas This is you your journey and you must do what works for you. Some things are non-negotiable (like eating enough calories, for example,…
  • Don't replace the battery! At least not for now, take your time. Ichel said everything! Using the seasons timing to naturally bulk or cut is the way to go. Plus, to have to cut during holidays is not fun. Having yhe same measurements while weighting more is a sign that your body is changing for better. Think about the…
  • Thank you so much @ibtmas! The journey may not always be easy, but trust me, it is worth it! The changes and transformation, not only physical, that I had in those 5 years of EM2WL are priceless! Thanks for letting me share and keep updating! Tereza Team EM2WL
  • @ibtmas Your post just made my day! That's exactly what we are talking about! I am so glad you stuck to it and kept going, CONSISTENTLY, until you finally started seeing results. You will probably have moments in the future when you will second guess this process and want to quit, but make sure you keep this feeling strong…
  • Don't worry about reaching all the goals overnight @ErikElgerot , it's not even advisable to try. The biggest changes of success involve building up towards your goals, tackling one thing at a time and going slowly. Right now you already have to work on your calories and you are adding the workouts. Trying to reach your…
  • @jerilynconn you are welcome anytime! Eating at a deficit and no losing weight would bother me. If I'm eating less I sure want to see the numbers dropping. Maybe that's why I haven't even tried to cut in a long time, lol. I'm thrilled that you are feeling better and things are moving along. Life is too short to be wasted…
  • @jerilynconn Has excellent advice and ideas on hitting the protein percentage. Worry about calories and protein for now. It's ok if carbs and fats don't align for now. Your Fitbit average burn seems fine and it can definitely be used as staring point to be reached. Increase slowly, week by week until you reach it. Tereza…
  • Hello @ErikElgerot With burns between 3000 and 5000, you are definitely still underrating at 2200-2800 and that could be the culprit for the weight stall. Keep increasing, slowly but surely. Working out 4 times a week should put you above average on the activity level on the calculator. What's the average your fitbit gives…
  • @beverlyriley900 There some info about diastasis recti and how to check if you have issues at home: https://fit2b.us/how-to-check-for-diastasis-hd/ The abdominal walls separate during pregnancy and should go back afterwards. Sometimes they need some help. If the gap is bigger than it should be, certain ab routines can…
  • Panks are always an amazing choice! Do you have diastasis recti? If you abdominal muscles have separated during pregnancy and not returned to their original position, you may need a different approach to abdominal training or you may get it worse. If that's your case, you t would explain the how your belly feels. Tereza…
  • Looks painful. I hope it feel better! Beautiful art work, they will love it! Tereza Team EM2WL
  • We all have in common going through some though times with our bodies and food relationship. We are have our battles and struggles and it does get easier when we support each other and just trust the process. What got us here won't get us there, that's for sure. The diet mentality that got us where we are, will not take us…
  • In simple words, the residual soreness you are missing is DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and you may usually feel the worst of it (peak) 24 to 48 hours after doing a new workout. But as you repeat the same workout, it may not be as strong or may not even happen anymore until you either increase the load or change the…
  • After gaining weigth while being pregnant and then losing it, as much I my body got conditioned to walk around carrying the extra poundage, does that mean that once I lost the weight I should say I lost 30 lbs, but became 30 lbs weaker unless I am able to hold 30 lbs plus what I could hold before! When pregnant I could…
  • Yes, you deserve to enjoy your eats! Pumpkin spice muffin, yummy!!! .1 up on the scale and 1 1/2 inches down, I'll take that anyday! Good job increasing your calories! Enjoy your Sunday! Tereza Team EM2WL
  • That definitely shows that good things are happening! A lot of times the changes won't show visibly right away, but the fact that you are being able to lift more and that your weight increased but measurements barely moved is a huge indicator that things are changing for better! The weight increase could be in you muscles,…