Trusting the Process



  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I have seen a big difference in my mood and energy the last week or so. It may be due to fall being my favorite time of the year or my healthier lifestyle. I have not had the strong cravings that I used to for chocolate. I was eating M&M's nightly. I purchased some quality dark chocolate and that has calmed that craving. Quality food does make a difference.

    I am not successful on a daily basis of keeping my protein up, but getting there. I struggle most on my slow at work days or days off. I get busy with house cleaning or playing with my son on days off and forget to eat healthy. Last week I made enough meals ahead to have something healthy at lunch even on days off and that helped a lot. I will do that again this week. If I keep up with my set breakfasts, snacks and lunches I do really well. Dinner is something I try to plan ahead but only make it 50-60% of the time. It usually depends on my work schedule. If I work late I end up trying to make good choices either with left overs from the fridge or Runza salad or chili.

    I have changed my workouts to a harder one that I also enjoy. It is for intermediate instead of the beginner level I was using. It has helped, I feel like I am getting a better workout and I do feel the burn after. I have also added daily planks and sumo squats several times a day, just doing a few at a time. These are the two areas that I have never been happy with. I can tell that the planks are helping. When I am in the plank position, I can feel the abs kick in and and I feel the soreness the next day. I can hold plank for 30-45 seconds at a time and I am able to 2-3 reps at a time and I do this 2-3 times a day. Same with the squats, just a few reps during the day to have a little extra work. I could lift weights daily but I know that is not a good thing. So with nicer days I will try to get a walk in on my off days.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    This is a great update! And yes, the rest time is just as important as the workouts. Recovery time is vital.
    Love how you are working out what works for you. Preparation on meals and snacks really helps here too.
    I can feel your enthusiasm!
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Awesome update Beverly!
    Mood changes are a big deal! And the ability to not crave anymore. I found that once I ate right and got my cals up, I certainly lost a lot of my old cravings. Even now, I have grocery store chocolate in the house and it doesnt even bother me anymore. It sits for weeks before I either give it to the kids, or I toss it:)

    Sounds like some improvements on the workouts too! Thats awesome!! You are killing it so far!

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    ok question: If you TDEE is 2026 and 15% cut is 1722. My already accounted calorie burn is 304? So... 2026-1722=304. Meaning if I burn more than 304 calories when I'm doing a 15%cut, I eat back the extra? I am ready your article on "I have my TDEE and my BMR, now what" Am I understanding correctly?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Your TDEE accounts for your average daily burn, so you dont eat back any burned calories. As long as your activity level is correct to get your TDEE, then there is nothing more you need to do but eat that cut level.

    However, you never want to eat below your BMR number. If for some reason your TDEE - cut is less than your BMR, then you need to reevaluate your TDEE and make sure you are doing the calculations correct and choosing the right activity level. You should never be below your BMR

    Does that make sense?
    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator

  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    @Raynn1 thanks. I understand
  • ibtmas
    ibtmas Posts: 111 Member
    Raynn1 wrote: »
    Your TDEE accounts for your average daily burn, so you dont eat back any burned calories. As long as your activity level is correct to get your TDEE, then there is nothing more you need to do but eat that cut level.

    However, you never want to eat below your BMR number. If for some reason your TDEE - cut is less than your BMR, then you need to reevaluate your TDEE and make sure you are doing the calculations correct and choosing the right activity level. You should never be below your BMR

    Does that make sense?
    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
    @Raynn does this mean that we dont need to change our Tdee if we introduce cardio in our cut which in result increases our activity level?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    ibtmas wrote: »
    Raynn1 wrote: »
    Your TDEE accounts for your average daily burn, so you dont eat back any burned calories. As long as your activity level is correct to get your TDEE, then there is nothing more you need to do but eat that cut level.

    However, you never want to eat below your BMR number. If for some reason your TDEE - cut is less than your BMR, then you need to reevaluate your TDEE and make sure you are doing the calculations correct and choosing the right activity level. You should never be below your BMR

    Does that make sense?
    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
    @Raynn does this mean that we dont need to change our Tdee if we introduce cardio in our cut which in result increases our activity level?

    As long as your activity level you selected for the calculator stays the same, then no. Once you jump to the next level, then you need to adjust your TDEE to that. So lets say your averaging 5 hours a week right now, thats moderate... but then all of a sudden you decide to add in another 2 hours a week, which now jumps you to strenuous. Then you need to adjust the TDEE cals.

    You dont need to add in cardio during a cut phase at all.. If you enjoy cardio, thats one thing, but just make sure your activity level is where it should be... but dont do cardio because you think you NEED to for a cut, cause you dont:)

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator
  • ibtmas
    ibtmas Posts: 111 Member
    @Raynn oh ok! Thats clear.
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I have been watching different videos that are EM2WL. In one of the videos it is mentioned to plan your cycles of muscle gain, cut and Maintanance. I'm not finding information on how to create this calendar of gain, cut and maintain. Is there a video I haven't found or a book that helps you set this up? Or is it best to find a professional?
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Hi Beverly
    The cycles are important in your workout routine
    You can also build your goals around nutrition how your year goes.
    For example, if you live somewhere it gets cooler in the winter, you can take that opportunity to eat a little more and build muscle as we are hidden under sweaters!
    Then coming into early Spring you can switch your nutrition goals to a cut, to remove the fat gained with the muscle over winter.
    Then as summer hits, your cut tapers off and you can enjoy a period of maintenance, and enjoy the summer with your family.
    It's finding what works for your lifestyle. I find it hard to eat at maintenance through the summer because I do a lot of gardening so my burns are huge, so it makes it a natural time to cut.
    In winter, I like to hibernate so it makes it a natural time to maintain/bulk.
    This article should help
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks Ichel, that helps tremendously with my planning ahead for my checklist I need to do. I'll read the articles and make my schedule.

    I took measurements this morning and compared them to the beginning of my journey. In Feb 2015 total measurements were 233.8, at my lowest point Sept 2015 total measurements were 213. I then plateaued and began gaining with eating lower calories. I started with EM2WL August 28, 2016, I had measured a total of 220 then gained to a total of 225, but now I have had two consecutive measurements of lower amounts. I have lost from the 225 to a total of 222.5 inches. I have stayed pretty much at my TDEE but have gained 7 pounds. I'll keep plugging along and enjoy the gains as they come. I have been doing a lot of research on the internet on body recomposition. I agree that as the winter here in Nebraska gets colder, it will be easier to work on gaining muscle and eat at maintenance. I tried to cut this week and there was a couple of days that it went well, but there were a couple days that it did not work out. I did not go over TDEE on those higher days so I do well at not going over TDEE. I felt comfortable with the cut amount of food, I was satisfied, it is basically cutting out a snack during the day. I think when spring comes and I am ready to cut, I doubt I notice a difference with the less food as far as hunger goes. (By the way the scale battery died this morning, not so sure I'm going to replace them right away. We weight our son periodically so I'll have to change them sometime. I'm going to concentrate on the inches and not the pounds.) Have a Blessed day everyone.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Don't replace the battery! At least not for now, take your time.
    Ichel said everything! Using the seasons timing to naturally bulk or cut is the way to go. Plus, to have to cut during holidays is not fun. Having yhe same measurements while weighting more is a sign that your body is changing for better. Think about the inches, after all clothes sizing and even our eyes don't really see pounds, it's all based in size and inches.
    You are doing amazing! Btw, I love your new profile picture!

    Team EM2WL
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    Don't replace the battery! At least not for now, take your time.
    Ichel said everything! Using the seasons timing to naturally bulk or cut is the way to go. Plus, to have to cut during holidays is not fun. Having yhe same measurements while weighting more is a sign that your body is changing for better. Think about the inches, after all clothes sizing and even our eyes don't really see pounds, it's all based in size and inches.
    You are doing amazing! Btw, I love your new profile picture!

    Team EM2WL

    Thank you for this response. Sunday's are my valid weigh in measurements day and the scale is not my friend but measurements were good. But I still need to read all these posts to put my mind at ease.!!
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    @Sevio the articles that Ichel attached are very helpful with my planning. If you haven't read them, yet, I found them helpful in my sanity of the process. The more information I have, it eases my mind of the unknown. I have been reading the articles posted on EM2WL and the Youtube videos.
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    @Sevio the articles that Ichel attached are very helpful with my planning. If you haven't read them, yet, I found them helpful in my sanity of the process. The more information I have, it eases my mind of the unknown. I have been reading the articles posted on EM2WL and the Youtube videos.

    I will definitely check them out. I have been following your thread for the past couple of months and a few others which definitely help with my mentality! !
  • ibtmas
    ibtmas Posts: 111 Member
    @empressichel @TerezaToledo Is it important to bulk in this system of cutting and maintaining or can i just go with eating at maintainence and then cut and then back to maintainence because i am just doing at home workouts and dont have any access to gym. Secondly i would not even like prefer bulking anyway!
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I am no expert but my goal is not to hulk out with big muscles, just gain muscle needed to keep healthier bones and decrease calcium loss as much as I can as I age. I also have learned that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even at rest as well as muscles give you a healthier body. I have home workout videos, so great question. I look forward to the answer from the Team. I'm glad you asked so I can learn also.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @beverlyriley900 Nice job on doing your reading and watching the videos. It does help to ease our hearts and minds to know what to expect.

    @sevio, yay on the good measurements!

    @ibtmas This is you your journey and you must do what works for you. Some things are non-negotiable (like eating enough calories, for example, eating too little will not give you the body you want for the long run - sometimes not even for the short run), but others are not mandatory. Eating in cycles will help you achieve or optimize certain results, but it doesn't mean that you have to do, specially if you are not ready. Usually we do that once we have been around for a while and want some more advanced techniques. Eating at maintenance (TDEE) is not the end of the world, you can get results as long as you are hitting your macros and working out.
    When I reached the ideal size for me, I realized that my body looked flat and I wanted more curves and as afraid as anyone else would be, I increased my calories a little while lifting heavier. The weight did increase around 5% and I could see a change in my body, even though my clothes were at the same size.
    After I had my baby, I didn't do any serious cut. I've been eating at maintenance for the last 2 years and got back to pre-pregnancy size and weight with mostly strength training workouts. I keep thinking about maybe cutting again someday (maybe before next summer), but I don't see the need for it right now as body recomposition seems to be working just fine for me.

    Team EM2WL
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    @ibtmas Bulking means to eat in surplus of your TDEE. Bulking is when you are deliberately eatign above your maintenance level to put on fat. This then allows you in your cut session to change that fat into muscle. It is certainly not for everyone, and you do not have to bulk at all in this lifestyle. I dont know if I will ever bulk myself!:)

    When the season wear on, as Ichel said, those are when people will change their eating habits to aid in their life. Fall/Winter can be a good time to eat in maintenance or surplus because of the bulkier clothing. Most people will cut in the spring so they are looking their best for the summer. its all cyclical. But it doesnt mean what works for one person, will work for all. Some people cut and maintain all through the year. Many will have a few weeks at cut, then jump back to TDEE for a week or two, then repeat. For many people they choose to stay at TDEE indefinitely because they like how they look, like how they feel and dont want to cut thecals:) it all comes down to what is important for you. If you do cut though, it is recommended to cut in small sessions.. only a few weeks or so, then jump back to tdee for a week or two. That way your body doesnt adjust to the lower calorie amounts like it did when you dieted. Make sense?

    EM2WL Ambassador and Moderator