Trusting the Process



  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I have not taken measurements since starting with MFP. I don't want to obsess over the numbers, same with the scale. I stopped checking that after a week of maintaining. I can tell that the weight lifting is helping. I feel stronger and hubby says he can see and feel the muscle change. I am no longer scrounging for food because I'm constantly hungry. As far as the weight lifting progress, I need to hook my bra tighter and I have more room in the seat of my pants. So I would say this is progress. I have my measurements from when I first started my journey and from when I plateaued. One of these days I'll get them out if I get enough courage. I am not up to the amount of weight I was lifting before I had to stop but I am close. I will be doing my best to complete this program and eating at my maintenance level so I can build muscle mass. This would make me ready to cut right after Thanksgiving, hmmm I think that will be perfect.
    I am trying to trust the process, perhaps if I write it enough times I'll start to believe it more????
  • Wiccandothis
    Wiccandothis Posts: 860 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the add! I love your thread! The title says it the process. I think we have a lot of the same issues. I am a little iffy about upping my calories, but I know in the long run it will be better for me. I also do the same as you. Sometimes I don't eat enough early in the day or I save my calories for later, but then end up having too many towards the end of the day and I make bad choices just to fill those calories. Like today, I had quite a few calories left over after dinner and burned a lot of extra calories through exercise and my first thought was "Yay! I get to have a nice treat!" and I did...a delicious brownie with milk. I tend to fill excess calories with junk and really need to stop.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    You know how much awesome there is in your post!?
    Victory after victory you are writing about!
    Don't make these milestones seem smaller than they are. They.are.everything.
    Husband seeing and feeling muscle?
    This is great!
    Would it be ok if I share your super positive and inspiring post with others in the fam?
    Trust me. You are nailing this!
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    @empressichel you can share any of my posts that you would like to. I'm an open book. I know how hard this is for me, so if I can help someone else, I'm all for it. I think that we can all learn from others to help us along our journey. Thank you for the encouragement.
  • tj0861
    tj0861 Posts: 48 Member
    Beverly, I'm into my 3rd month of the process .... and you're right, TRUST is the key. Keep it up, lady!!
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    That's great, thank you!
    It really helps others so much to know that we don't go through these struggles alone.
    I'm sure your post will motivate and help lots of people.
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I finally feel as if I am working out at the right weight for my arms. I can make it to the 12 reps but I feel it after. Going to keep there for a bit. I will add for my legs tomorrow as I don't feel as if I am working hard enough. I have seen how lifting enough has made a difference with calorie burn. I have been able to burn over 500 calories in a day on the days that I lift. I have come close on the cardio days. My issue has always been food. I have been consistent with the calorie intake. I need to work on increasing protein and healthy it up. I have been at the same weight for about 5 months. I think I was eating more that I realized before due to not keeping track as well before MFP. I really want to decrease calorie intake but my protein is not where I want it. I will work on that by getting out my list of protein choices and meal plan from that.
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    Quick question. How often can I work my abs? I do a routine 2-3x a week. But would like to do it daily.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    @beverlyriley900 2 to 3x a weeks seems optimal, 20 minutes at a time, with a rest day in between. Just as any other muscles, they need rest to develop. And as much as we want them tight and toned, those are muscles we don't want to grow as much, lol. You could do a short cardio workout in between lifting days, 30 minutes.

    Team EM2WL
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks. I have been doing 40 min cardio/abs between lifting days. I am just wanting abs to be coming along as well as arms and legs. Hate the muffin top
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    I have been reading on some other posts/threads. One was on food addiction and one was on food cravings. I took an "online quiz" on food addiction. It said I didn't have an addiction, thank goodness. I do think I have food cravings and bad at times. I don't change my life for a food or limit my social activities due to food choices. I do have a hard time leaving chocolate alone. I am glad that my son is almost completely potty trained. We still have A LOT of potty candy. I am letting my son eat them as a treat but I do tend to dip into the M&M's. I do try to limit them and I do count them in MFP so they are listed on my diary as calories. I think adding them into the count and recognizing how much I them will help me limit it. (Or I go hungry due to eating my calorie amount.) I am working on keeping myself busy so I don't eat them too often and when I do eat them, I think about how nasty fake chocolate is and the slimy after taste it leaves in my mouth. I let Quinn eat the candy as a treat, and what is left I will give out as Halloween candy next month.
  • carlene7
    carlene7 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am so new to this!! It makes so much sense after I have completed the reading in the Kit. I did day 1 upper Body today and I felt so liberated. Well, I didn't do the pull ups because I didn't know how, but the young lady at the gym said she will show me how. But, anywho, I felt good doing something outside of cardio and I am so looking forward to seeing my progress, I will be taking lots of pics. Thanks!!!
  • carlene7
    carlene7 Posts: 8 Member
    @beverlyriley900 thank you so much for posting your thoughts, very inspiring!!
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    @carlene7 I'm excited to see your posts of progress. I LOVE, LOVE lifting weights. If your friend at the gym will let you, maybe you can take a short video of her doing the lift properly. A friend verbally explained to me how to lift and I tried to do it by memory. I ended up doing it wrong or because I couldn't see myself lifting in the mirror very well, I hurt my neck and shoulder. I am still paying for it 2 years later.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Hey @beverlyriley900 and @carlene7 Here is a link explaining all about pull ups and here is another with a video clip
    I still find pull ups really hard! Can't do a full one so I use a band for assistance.

    EM2WL Ambassador and moderator
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    @empressichel thanks for the links. the seated pull downs in pic 13 of the first link is the very one that I jacked up my neck. I think that I tensed up my neck while I was doing them. I have not been back in the gym for 2 years so I have not done that exact exercise. But I hope to have a pull up bar put in my basement so I can try to do them properly.
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    My progress has slowed this last week. I have gained 3 pounds a week ago and have since lost one. I have not changed my eating much so I'm thinking its water weight for the most part. It is hard to stay on eating plan when I was traveling. My wedding ring was fine when I left for the weekend and by the time I got back home the ring was tight on my finger. I think it was that I wasn't drinking enough water while I was gone. I normally drink 60-80 ounces a day and I didn't even get half that over the weekend. I am back on track with my water now that I am home.

    I have increased my weights with my leg exercises to 25# dumbbells in each hand. I can only complete 10 reps instead of the 12 requested so I'll stay at that weight for a while My migraine came back Monday evening. I should have paid more attention and taken my medication and stretched so avoid the worse of it on Tuesday. I missed two workouts so I am anxious to get back at it in the morning.

    I am working on increasing my protein. I have been noticing that my protein has not been up to my 30%. I find it hard to get it there. I get tired of meat quickly, it is not my favorite. I can easily live off of toast, fruit and veggies. I have added a egg at breakfast along with my protein shake and spelt toast. I will try greek vanilla yogurt with cranberry granola. It is my hubbys favorite so if I don't like it, he will finish the package. I am learning to watch and adjust my micros as much as I can. If I get my protein up, that will take the place of my need of snacking as I would be full all the time.
  • empressichel
    empressichel Posts: 730 Member
    Protein is hard at first, but keep going! It gets easier, a little preparation in spreading it out over the day and it'll soon become habit.
    I've got quite inventive with squeezing in more protein. Like putting some nut butter on protein bread, it's still toast, just higher protein ;)
    EM2WL ambassador and moderator
  • brileylmt
    brileylmt Posts: 199 Member
    l have been trying to keep positive but it is hard. I am ok with weighing 171 pounds, I don't like it but I'll deal with it. I do like how my arms and legs are slimming down. I have lost inches at arms, legs and at my chest/upper back. I am frustrated that my belly has not change one bit. I know you can't spot loose. but I look like a tomato being stuffed into a sausage casing. A balloon on top of two sticks. I increase my protein and fiber and water, no change. I also do a ab workout 3 times a week. I feel a burn with the 17 minute program but 30 minutes later the soreness is gone and I have no residual soreness. What is everyone else doing for ab work?