schmeckpeper Member


  • Interesting about the DEXA scan. That is the same scan they did on me. Can't wait to learn the results next week. I was able to peek at the screen but have no clue what it meant. Weird to see your body on the screen like that though! I've been doing resistance training for 6 months and most recently upped to heavy lifting…
  • I'm in the Pewaukee/Sussex area. I'm up for new area friends, giving and receiving support, walking/hiking, get togethers, etc. Everyone who has joined my fitness plan so far has dropped out after a few months. I need people as dedicated as I am who aren't going to quit! :-)
  • I weigh daily every morning after the bathroom. I only record and log new lows however. Weight does fluctuate but I feel this is how I'm learning about my body. How my action yesterday affect the scale today. I don't freak. A few days ago I was up 6 pounds!!!! Lots of water and after lifting heavy. Past two days have been…
  • Pewaukee/Sussex area
  • I gained 9 lbs after a glutness week of all-inclusive in Jamaica. Its taken a full month of eating right and exercise to get it off. Not sure it was worth it but since this is my new lifestyle anyways....what does it matter. Just get back on your plan. Most is water weight anyways. But I found those last couple pounds were…
  • Great job! You can certainly see your progress but what I like and notice most is the smile. You seems much more happy and that is priceless! :-)
  • I started Body Revolution right after the 30 day shred. I found workouts 1 & 2 way too easy so I only did them once and then moved on to 3 & 4. I didn't want to loose all the gains I made with the shred by doing an easy workout for 2 weeks.
  • After two and half months of wearing a body media monitor I have come to the conclusion that all those inflated calorie burns are bogus. I can do the Cardio 1 DVD from Body Revolution and it puts me at a 180+ burn for 30 minutes. I laugh to myself when people think they burned thousands of calories based on calculations…
  • Just finished the 30Day Shred last week and completed Phase 1 Workout 1 of Body Revolution yesterday. The shred definitely helped me get through it quite easily. I almost died on Level 1 of the Shred. Good to know Phase 2 is harder. Comment about Phase 3 not being harder is kinda confusing. Everybody is different....will…
  • Once you can detox from sugar completely AND you change your mindset to realize that all of that processed food is garbage it will become much easier. Every month at work we have a Birthday/Anniversary celebration where there are multiple baked treats available. I show up to show my support for those celebrating..... but I…
  • I work out 20-30 min (elliptical) in the a.m. and then after work I come home and do strength (currently 30 Day Shred) and then jump on the Elliptical for 20-30 min more. As soon as the weather allows I'll be walking during lunch at work too. Since I sit on my butt all day at work it breaks it up nicely and keeps the burn…
  • It is great! Others are right...first 5 days are the hardest. Level 3 is also no joke....but by then you're much stronger. It really is good. All 3 levels are on youtube. I recommend watching them so you know what to expect. Just don't be too afraid to try it ;-)
  • Congrats! A lot of hard work and it shows!!!! Thanks for sharing!
  • Have lost 17 lbs since the first of the year.....and about 30 lbs in the last 4-5 months. BMR = 1463 Using a Body Media monitor for burn...averages 2300/day Was eating 1400 cals a day average but stalled the last couple weeks so upped to 1700 cals this last week and a pound finally came off. I wasn't hungry at 1400 cals…
  • The ones that are difficult to do are the ones you NEED to do! Those are the ones your body needs to improve on! Do it!!! Your body can do it!!!
  • On day 6 of it right now. Showed me just how out of shape I was. My leg muscles were screaming for the first few days. Now its just that "good" kinda sore that lets you know you're working them but not so bad I have to scoot down the stairs on my butt because I can't walk down them! LOL! Really recommend using the 3 & 5 lb…
  • I have two teenagers and a husband who refuse to adopt the healthy lifestyle with I can use all the support I can get. Add me! :-) Been doing this since the beginning of the year. Currently doing the 30 Day 6 today :-) Along with Elliptical for cardio....2x day. I wear a bodymedia monitor as well.
  • I'm a little weak on willpower...but I'm VERY stubborn. I use that to my advantage.....So when my family goes out to McDonalds or Applebees when I've made a healthy, delicious meal it just motivates me more! Find a strength inside you and use it to reach your goals. Proving them wrong is just the icing on your cake ;-)