Husband won't support me



  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member

    There comes a time when you must do and not say a word and your actions shall speak at volume louder than any voice ever could.

    ^^ I like this. Dig deep and do. Don't talk.
  • I was the same way. Started and quit so many times that my husband also thought it was just another on of those "diets" when I first started back in September. He didn't support me at all and was always trying to get me to just eat crap but I wanted it so bad this time I didn't listen to him. After I lost my first 20 lbs my husband started becoming my biggest supporter. He tells me to go to the gym when I don't feel like working out and questions me when I eat something I shouldn't be eating. It is really hard to do without the support, hopefully things will change around the way it did for my hubby! Good luck, you can do it!!!
  • schmeckpeper
    schmeckpeper Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a little weak on willpower...but I'm VERY stubborn. I use that to my advantage.....So when my family goes out to McDonalds or Applebees when I've made a healthy, delicious meal it just motivates me more!

    Find a strength inside you and use it to reach your goals. Proving them wrong is just the icing on your cake ;-)
  • grapefruitannie
    grapefruitannie Posts: 122 Member
    Bah Ignore him hunny i will support you feel free to add me.
    He will soon take some notice when you are looking Hot Hot Hot :wink:

    Keep going! and remember it's for you no oe else xx
  • There's only one thing you can do right now.... Prove him wrong. =)

    You got this!
  • Kimberleebennett
    Kimberleebennett Posts: 21 Member
    I struggle with this too. My husband says he supports me but I was slim when I met him and he likes my chubbier body more than ever so he's never really serious about it and buys me boxes of chocolates and makes my favourite high cal meals. I do need to lose the weight regardless of how he thinks I look from a health point of view I want to be around to see great grandkids (I'm only 27 but thinking long term) and have more energy. I'm comfortable with my body which has made it hard to get motivated but now that I am I'm sticking with it. Regardless of what anyone else thinks. :smile:
  • Scarlettbird50
    Scarlettbird50 Posts: 45 Member
    you can do this on your own, for yourself! any support you want find it here, good luck!
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    my husband has been very supportive, and actually eating better with me. just wait until your weight loss is noticeable... its almost like they think they are with a new woman (not in a bad way though)! lol, your new body is just as exciting for them, as it is to you! its actually kind of funny!
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    Another way to look at this (and of course, it's a guy perspective) is he may think that you need to do this without his help. By making it where you are pissed at him and going to prove him wrong, he may have been trying to pull out the strong woman in you this way since the supportive version didn't help.

    Dunno. Just a guess.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    My husband hasn't said that too me, but I can only imagine he feels that way too. I mean we've been together 16 years and I've been on a "weight loss" plan most of them for 5 of them I actually lost 90 lbs and maintained it, but it came back.

    I am sure my son feels the same way. All you can do is move forward and take it one day at a time. Making small changes so that you never have to go back to this place. :flowerforyou:

    edited to add: At NO time has he ever changed his eating or added exercise when I was trying, he buys crap food and tells me not to eat it.
  • ohmgetsfit
    ohmgetsfit Posts: 22 Member
    My H is both supportive and not-so-supportive.
    He is on my side, will eat healthy foods, go get me healthy snacks so i don't need to face the fridge etc....BUT he brings junk into the house because he's on his feet for 12 hours at work(walking) and it's MY problem that I don't have the will-power to not eat it..sigh.

    I am trying soooooooooo hard to lose this weight! Last night it got sabotaged by a d*mn PB snickers bar..he brought me the pkg so i could eat 1 of the 2...well 2 got eaten :(

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    My husband behaved that way at first, but I'm a stubborn woman. I think he's mostly adjusted to it at this point, but still gets cranky at times and has a hard time understanding things from my perspective. I've decided that's ok, he doesn't have to understand or be my cheerleader, so long as he's not getting in my way or trying to sabotage me, it's fine. He's never been overweight, doesn't understand hormonal imbalances, doesn't understand why in the hell anyone would want to exercise on purpose, etc.
  • annbillingsley
    annbillingsley Posts: 60 Member
    I am sorry your husband won't support you. but I have to say, this makes me feel better as I am not supportive of my BF and he doesn't seem to be supportive of me. He is someone who has obsessions and they change quite frequently. The new obsession is losing weight (we have been together for less than 2 years and I have seen him through this phase several times. the only difference is is that *I* am dieting now too). He has lost almost 25 lbs since xmas, but I am noticing that he is getting a bit sick of dieting and he cheats by taking exercise calories from one day and putting them on days he eats over his calorie limit to make it look like he isn't over. And as he loses weight, he is realizing the calories he can eat are dwindling. A person can only have so many cups of broccoli before bed night after night before it becomes annoying. I have been on the diet roller coaster since I was a teen...been super morbidly obese my entire life. I feel for him because I am on the same roller coaster ride, but I just cannot be a part of the cycle again. And he seems not to be able to support me, either. When I need to vent, he insists on letting me know everything I did wrong and what HE would have done differently to avoid my situation, when all I needed was a listening ear. he cannot be supportive without criticizing and I cannot be supportive because I feel very competitive and to be honest...jealous...of his success while I am so obviously struggling. When I struggle and need a shoulder to lean on, I get criticized or i get his successes thrown in my face. So basically we are making a major lifestyle change but cannot even be a part of it with each other and he threw that in my face last night. I am glad to see we are not the only ones, because he blames me for all of this!

    I am sorry I rambled and made it about myself. I really hope you find the support you need here on the site! I have many wonderful supportive friends on here and it makes a difference, even if you can't share your proud moments with your significant other!
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    My bestie didn't want to know either.
    Now I have lost 15 Kg things have changed there.

    btw watch your sodium intake. looks high and he may be noticing that and thinking wtf.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Do it for yourself only....Prove him wrong! I get the most support here on this site. This is an awesome place to be to have people make you feel good about your successes and help you feel better when you make a mistake. Do it for you!!