

  • Good Morning! Well I am jumping on the shred band wagon beginning today and I must say I am exicted after reading this thread. I tried it out about a month ago when it was ON DEMAND just to get a feel for it, let me tell you I woke up in pain! I did not begin a good exercise regimen until about a month and a half ago, so…
  • Are you using the small oven bags or a larger one? Also do you put any sort of oil or spray on it first?
  • ~Katie YOU ROCK! 5.8 miles is waaaayyyy more than I could ever do especially pushing a stroller. I tend to do most of my walks when he is in "school". Looks like I will finally be getting back to it on Sunday when my mom returns to join me. I never thought I would miss exercising but I sure do. ~Ferff Great job! You are…
  • Katie~ Awwww boo to the one pound too! I am sure once you are feeling better you will knock that pound right back off. My mom used to do Zumba weekly last year and I never once tried it with her. The one I went to was a "golden" class so that could have been part of the issue with it too. I hope you feel better.
  • Hey Ladies Happy Weigh In Day! So I stepped on the scale today and thought positive but only saw 194.......I have been steady for the past two days (yes I cheated and weighed in earlier :happy: ) The weather here has been rather crappy the last few days so my outside walks have gone down the drain. Things seem to be…
  • dmags~ I live on the second floor of my building and can't do anything that requires a lot of jumping. I have the biggest loser game for the wii and have to short myself on some of the exercising because it has me making too much noise (like jumping jacks).
  • Happy Monday Ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I am in pain this morning but in a good way since playing the Wii has gotten my arms extra tired. I think I am going to look into this 30day Shred since everyone I have seen is trying it. I cheated today and weighed in a little early but only lost .05 since the last…
  • Hello to the new ladies and thank you for joining us. We are currently weighing in every wednesday and have shared our weightloss goal to hit by May, 1st. Good luck to all of you on your journeys. katie~ you are sooooo inspiring!:happy:
  • Also wanted to ad that last night I took my first "under garment" picture of myself for reference. It was not as bad as I imagined but it was not great either. I plan to take a picture once a month since sometimes you can not always see the change in the mirror.
  • Sorry ladies I had some sort of food poisoning yesterday and couldn't get on. My official last weight check was 198 so as of today I am 196. I did my measurements and boy was I surprised to see those results. Katie~ I will have to check out the Couch to 5k asap because I need to work on getting my agility up. Congrats on…
  • Glad I found this since I was just thinking to myself if I should start measuring. I think that seeing your progress in other ways besides the scale is a great motivator. I plan to do it every two weeks to start and then maybe once a month.
  • Wow you are both runners! I sadly can not seem to run for longer than 5 minutes without feeling like I am going to fall out :blushing: . Can I ask what the Shred video is? I have seen others talk about it in other topics but I have no idea what it is. Ladies I can't wait to see what we can do by May 1st.