August ShredHeads! - 30 Day Shred 8/1 - 8/30



  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    I am having trouble sitting down on the potty, THATS how sore my legs are. too and I only did the 30DS yesterday and today. It hurts A LOT to go from standing to sitting or crounching down to pick something up or whatever.
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    I am having trouble sitting down on the potty, THATS how sore my legs are. too and I only did the 30DS yesterday and today. It hurts A LOT to go from standing to sitting or crounching down to pick something up or whatever.

    can I 'count" tonight's session with the trainer as a 30DS day, I mean, I only planned on doing it 5 days a week but this week I think it will be 4 plus today's session. I feel guilty that I could not do it today and I bet tomorrow will be impossible. I feel like if I push myself through it tomorrow (no idea how that would be possibe, I seriously cannot move at all) then I will be disabled for wed AND thurs. Someone make the guilt go away!
  • treasurep
    treasurep Posts: 88 Member
    Day 1 today-OMG is all I can say. I'm thinking I will do no weights at the gym for the next 30 day's use this as my weights. Gotta still do my cardio at the gym..Lets see how sore I am tomorrow..UGH
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Glad to hear everyone's doing will with days one and two! I just finished day 2, wish I had done it much sooner before the incredible soreness from yesterday set in. I was worried all day because I wasn't sure I'd be able to give it my all today but I think I did alright. My arms aren't as shaky as they were yesterday, I hope that's just because they're too busy being sore. I put in extra effort on abs today, hopefully I'll feel that tomorrow. Those bicycle crunches are going to be the DEATH of me - I'm still having trouble doing them right. It's so hard to keep my legs in the air while i crunch. Is anyone else having this problem?
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    I have a question for you folks -- What weights do you choose to use? I have started with 3 lb weights, and I am certainly sweating, but I also feel like some days I might not be pushing hard enough. However, I tried one day with 5, and it dang near killed me. I mean, dropping a weight on your head has got to be dangerous to one's health! :happy: How did you guys know when a change was due?
  • AAArgh..feeling like a major wimp now as only using 2lb weights! Don't have any so borrowing my flatmates...she weighs about 6lbs so prob ok for her :laugh: didn't make it last night but will be back on track today.
    Anyone else have problems with the hamstring stretch at the end? That pulling your leg up with opposite arm??! really...I have no cordination: almost fell flat on my face so suspect that's why one leg is still killing me!
    The babies I look after seem ( prob temtping fate here) to have started sleeping at the same time so thinking of taking my DVD to work and doing it then. I suspect they'd be greatly amused by watching me if they woke up.
  • just realised weights are 2KGs not lbs so feeling less wimpy now :smile:
  • Katherine1687
    Katherine1687 Posts: 106 Member
    Just bought the DVD this morning and am slightly scared after reading all your posts!!!!

    Do you need the weights to do it? I don't have any and can't really afford to buy any at the moment. Do I need any other equipment? I have a mat.


    Luv Kat
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    Just bought the DVD this morning and am slightly scared after reading all your posts!!!!

    Do you need the weights to do it? I don't have any and can't really afford to buy any at the moment. Do I need any other equipment? I have a mat.


    Luv Kat

    yes, you do need weights. You could try using bigger water bottles (like 1 liter size) filled with water, or fill smaller bottles with rice or something heavier? Just water in the 2 cup bottles is 1 lb so not much. I do not think the upper body workouts would be effective with 1 lb bottles of water :laugh:

    Good for you for getting the dvd and starting out!
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    Glad to hear everyone's doing will with days one and two! I just finished day 2, wish I had done it much sooner before the incredible soreness from yesterday set in. I was worried all day because I wasn't sure I'd be able to give it my all today but I think I did alright. My arms aren't as shaky as they were yesterday, I hope that's just because they're too busy being sore. I put in extra effort on abs today, hopefully I'll feel that tomorrow. Those bicycle crunches are going to be the DEATH of me - I'm still having trouble doing them right. It's so hard to keep my legs in the air while i crunch. Is anyone else having this problem?

    I have not done a single core/abdominal workout in an entire year and yes, I am having the same issue. I keep my legs closer in than straight out like that, hopefully I will improve. Let me tell you, I still feel those babies!
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    I guess my crying last night about pain today was a pinch early. I AM sore, but not as bad as last night surprisingly. Am hoping that by 5:30 tonight I am good to go and can do my 2nd day of the shred! Goal is 5 days a week
  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey peeps.
    Started shred a little earlier than you am on day 6 and let me tell you, it does get easier! Yeah I still have to push but I find I'm coping better than what I was like on day one! Those bicycle crunches are killers though! would have to save the hardest ab exercise for last!
  • Good Morning! Well I am jumping on the shred band wagon beginning today and I must say I am exicted after reading this thread. I tried it out about a month ago when it was ON DEMAND just to get a feel for it, let me tell you I woke up in pain! I did not begin a good exercise regimen until about a month and a half ago, so my body was not used to any hard workouts. I am committing myself to the 30days because just plain ol' walking isn't cutting it for me. I love watching Jillian on Biggest Loser and "seeing" her in my living room is a great motivator. I have lost a total of 24lbs since beginning MFP and a grand total of 30lbs since October of 2009.
    Glad to see that the coming days will get easier as they pass by while doing the Shred. I plan to buy the dvd later on this week since ON DEMAND only has the level 1. I wanted to know what size weights you ladies are using and if you plan to change them as you move up in levels?

    Good luck everyone and happy shredding!!!!!!!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Anyone else have problems with the hamstring stretch at the end? That pulling your leg up with opposite arm??! really...I have no cordination: almost fell flat on my face so suspect that's why one leg is still killing me!

    I almost fall over EVERY TIME. I must look like an idiot hopping around trying to keep my balance
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Good Morning! Well I am jumping on the shred band wagon beginning today and I must say I am exicted after reading this thread. I tried it out about a month ago when it was ON DEMAND just to get a feel for it, let me tell you I woke up in pain! I did not begin a good exercise regimen until about a month and a half ago, so my body was not used to any hard workouts. I am committing myself to the 30days because just plain ol' walking isn't cutting it for me. I love watching Jillian on Biggest Loser and "seeing" her in my living room is a great motivator. I have lost a total of 24lbs since beginning MFP and a grand total of 30lbs since October of 2009.
    Glad to see that the coming days will get easier as they pass by while doing the Shred. I plan to buy the dvd later on this week since ON DEMAND only has the level 1. I wanted to know what size weights you ladies are using and if you plan to change them as you move up in levels?

    Good luck everyone and happy shredding!!!!!!!

    Welcome to the group!! :)

    I'm using 3lb weights now (except last night I couldn't handle those side lunges with anything more than a one). I don't know if I'll move up because that means buying fives, and the threes seem to be definitely doing the job!
  • Ok - I was increddibly sore and exhausted last night, so I didnt do the Shred :( I did work out with my trainer in the morning yesterday - and since I told her that I wanted to do the Shred she has taken it upon herself to kick my *kitten* a bit more! So - I think I will just do the Shred on the days I am not working out with her. I am with her M, W, F.

    I used 5lb weights the first day - but I do have 3lb's on hand, and may use them from time to time. I use 12-15lb weights with my trainer, but the speed isn't as intense as the Shred - so I am guessing that is why I weak out on myself and go down to 5's and 3's. Here is to a new day!

    Congrats to all you tough ladies out there! Keep it up!
  • Anyone else have problems with the hamstring stretch at the end? That pulling your leg up with opposite arm??! really...I have no cordination: almost fell flat on my face so suspect that's why one leg is still killing me!

    I almost fall over EVERY TIME. I must look like an idiot hopping around trying to keep my balance

    put one hand on the wall!! preferably not the one you're using to hold your leg :laugh: you obviously have to turn your back on Jillian for a minute but I managed to stretch without landing on my face,
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I could barely move yesterday after doing the shred for two days straight. It was miserable. I have to go to work tonight, so I'm afraid to do it today. I don't want to feel like I did yesterday. I'm still sore today...

    Who plans to do this every day? How is that even possible? Don't muscles need time to recuperate?

    Sorry for all the questions. I'm just afraid I'm going to fall off the wagon. I don't know if this pain is worth it.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    I am wondering the same thing bree....I did it Sunday and Monday and I was VERY sore last upper legs/thighs in the front. They are still sore today, but a bit better and I am wondering if I should do it again today for a 3rd day in a row??? I thought you were supposed to take a break for your muscles to recover as well.
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    Well I pushed myself to do day three, and I'm glad I did.

    Anyone else notice that the girl on the left in the red shorts actually takes a break when she thinks the camera isn't on her. It's during the first set of static lunges and bicep curls. She just does the curls. I could be mistaken, but I'm definitely going to look for it on purpose next time. If I can make it through without breaks, and one of the trainers has to break then I think that's saying something! lol
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