August ShredHeads! - 30 Day Shred 8/1 - 8/30



  • pinkandloopy
    like the sound of that...a plausible excuse, also trying not to weigh myself until the end: it's just before I go on holiday :wink:
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    did my 4th workout today, looks like I will stick to each level for 2 weeks, so about 8-10 workouts at each level. So far so good, looking forward to remeasuring on Aug 31!

    As for weightgain, drink drink drink. I have had atleast 10 cups of water every day this week and WOW has it helped!
  • pinkandloopy
    just saw what I wrote...I don't have THAT much willpower :laugh: I meant I wasn't going to measure myself til the end....weigh myself weekly.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L1D7 done - One week down! My brother is doing the Shred too and bought me some five pound weights, so I used those for almost everything. Two extra pounds makes quite a difference! I think my arms will be sore tomorrow!
    I haven't heard from some of you in a few days, I hope all is well! We're almost into level 2!!
  • doccaroo
    doccaroo Posts: 18
    Day 7 down. I am finding myself able to hang better. I am now only having issues with jump roping. for some reason i can do jump jacks all day long but can't stand jump rope. No weight lose yet. I am trying to stay positive though. I think I have noticed my strenthg is better. Met with my trainer today and learned don't ask to work on arms and in the middle of 30 day shred. wow am I going to hurt in the morning. Good luck to everyone keep going and keep posting. Post the good, bad and the ugly, that i how we will all get through to our goals.
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Day 8 done. I am actually really enjoying shredding and all the other exercise because it takes my mind off all the other things going around my head at the moment :sad:
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Today is going to be L1D8 for me. I may end up doing it twice. I was using 5lb weights but I have a bad shoulder so I went down to 3lb and I can get through the weighted exercises. Only 22 more days
  • baby_lovin_060206
    baby_lovin_060206 Posts: 31 Member
    Have done level 1 day 6 this morning :) Thanks to you ladies I have been motivated and excited to do my workouts. It helps having support from women who are going through the same things. Thanks for keeping me on track :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    doccaroo, I also do 45 to 60 minutes in the gym 3 to 4 days a week. How is your diet? Following your calories is only part of it. Eatting a lean 4 ounce baked chicken breast is equal to eating 2 chocolate chip cookies, but which one is going to help you lose weight? Glad your trainer is pushing you and you're feeling stronger. Ever think to ask him some suggestions on losing?

    sngnyrslp, I'm going to wait until the end of the 30 days too. I can avoid the tape measure, just having a hard time avoiding the scale. Weigh in's tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes. When are you starting level 2?

    abricklin, I'm trying to drink more water too. But I find that the only time I'm able to get my 8 glasses in, is when I do a tough workout. I know that we're supposed to drink more water the more we exercise, but its really hard for me.
    PS: I love your ticker!

    baby_lovin_060206, I need this thread too, to help me stay accountable. Today is day 5 for me, getting ready to do it now. Just looking for a little motivation before I get started.

    Everyone is doing such a great job!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Hey question - Is anyone's lower back sore, like just below the waist? My back's been achy the past few days and I'm trying to figure out if it's just soreness or something more serious
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Sorry but I haven't had an achy back while doing the shred. I've had achy arms, achy legs, sore know how it goes.........hopefully you'll feel better soon x
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136
    I got day 8 down this morning. Haven't been sore since day two, and I'm liking it. Today, however, I noticed that the back of my left knee is hurting. It wasn't hurting when I did my workout this morning; it kinda started while I was at work.

    Tomorrow is my -2 lbs goal. It was the first goal I set when I started MFP, but it doesn't look like I'm going to make it. :-( I'm upset about it, but I'm not giving up!

    Also, I never realized how much drinking water actually helps! I'm used to drinking water; it's really all I drink except for ice tea and skim milk. I've just recently added Crystal Light to the mix after three years of nothing but the former. But I've never been so conscious my water intake until now. Now I'm drinking way more than I would have usually, and sticking to my "no late night eating" rule, and I feel a difference! I can't wait to see the end results of this shred!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    So I'm done with day 5 and I feel great! I am getting better at the push ups, but I still have a ways to go before I can move on.
    sngnyrslp, I haven't had any problems with my lower back either. I would just suggest that you make sure that you are doing the moves correctly. Also, I only do the video every other day, so I have time to rest.

    I will be doing the shred tomorrow. So I want to do Sun,M,W, and F of this week.

    I'll check in tomorrow to see how everyone is doing!
  • itsmenatalie
    itsmenatalie Posts: 190 Member
    Hey there! Just found this thread and thought I would pop in to say hi. I also started the shred on 8/1. I'll be doing it 4 times per week all this month. I'm not working on losing weight any more, but was hoping it would help me tone up a bit as I'm approaching my 1 year anniversary of starting mfp and wanted to do something extra. I'll be adding it to my regular work outs.

    I did level 1 four times this week and only hated day 2, lol. For some reason that was the worst. I've only been burning about 150 - 160 calories per work out and I'm able to do all the exercises with no modifications, so I'm going to go ahead and do level 2 tomorrow. I'm sure it will kick my butt!

    Good Luck Everyone!
  • MommaFreem

    Today was my 6th day of the 30 DS. I feel like I am building up my stamina with each day I shred. However, I don't think that I am going to move onto L2 until I can do L1 without taking breaks or modifiying some of the moves. I have alot more weight to lose than alot of you and alot of the exercises put alot of stress on my joints. So, I sort of feel like I shouldn't move on until I have lost some more weight and don't have as much stress on my joints and can complete L1 without breaks. What do you all think?
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Due to an unexpected trip to the ER (I'm okay!) I won't be able to Shred tonight. I'm considering doing it twice tomorrow, because I hate being a day behind. Would that be cheating?
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member

    Today was my 6th day of the 30 DS. I feel like I am building up my stamina with each day I shred. However, I don't think that I am going to move onto L2 until I can do L1 without taking breaks or modifiying some of the moves. I have alot more weight to lose than alot of you and alot of the exercises put alot of stress on my joints. So, I sort of feel like I shouldn't move on until I have lost some more weight and don't have as much stress on my joints and can complete L1 without breaks. What do you all think?

    I think that's a great idea. Aside from the fact that you're taking care of your health and your body (which is fantastic!) I think it's a good idea to get the absolute most out of level one before moving on to level 2.
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    I dont think it would be cheating. I am sick so if I dont get to shred tonight I will be 2 days behind
  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Sngnyrslp, I hope you are ok? I wouldn't class it as cheating either. I missed day 3 (I think) so I did it twice the following day and it didn't kill me!

    Day 9 over and done with and I am loving it! Just wish I was seeing results but I must be patient.......
  • bree1609
    bree1609 Posts: 136

    Today was my 6th day of the 30 DS. I feel like I am building up my stamina with each day I shred. However, I don't think that I am going to move onto L2 until I can do L1 without taking breaks or modifiying some of the moves. I have alot more weight to lose than alot of you and alot of the exercises put alot of stress on my joints. So, I sort of feel like I shouldn't move on until I have lost some more weight and don't have as much stress on my joints and can complete L1 without breaks. What do you all think?

    This is a good idea. You shouldn't move on until it's no longer difficult for you. I know that the last time I tried to do the shred I did a sneak peak at L2, and I must say that I'm afraid to move on in a few days.

    I did day 8 today (I accidentally typed day 8 for yesterday, but I am a day behind). I wasn't going to do it at all since I had to wake up early for a doctor's appointment. By the time I got back, I just wanted to sit around all day. I'm glad I did it though. I have officially lost 1 lbs since starting MFP, and I'm so excited. I know it's not much, but it's enough to keep me motivated!!

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Keep it up!