For all the mommies!

anikki0718 Posts: 13
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hello My name is Ashley and I am a 22 yr old mother of a 2 1/2 year old. I am new to the site and wanted some support of the mommies out there. I started my journey to get my pre-baby body back about Oct 2009 with some small success. After loosing about 10 pounds I slacked off during the holidays. Now I am back and ready to shed this weight off for good this time.

I wanted to hear what some of you are doing and how it is going for you. I also wanted to start a "Getting me back after baby" challenge if you are all willing to participate. Please list your starting weights, goal weights and what you are doing to get there. Also list what weight you would like be to by May 1, 2010 and lets weigh in every WED on this topic.

Good Luck to all even if you do not wish to join in.:happy:

I am 4'11" weighing 197 currently and wish to finish my journey at 140. I realize that for my height I would still be overweight but anything lower just doesn't seem to look "right" on my body shape. I have been cutting my calories to no lower than 1,200 or at least I try. I walk 2 miles a day for three days a week and plan to add some strength training at some point. I have the Biggest Loser game for the Wii to eventually use but walking works best for me right now.


  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey Ashley! You will love this site! :smile:

    I have 3.5 and 21month old boys. I've been slowly losing weight since Jan of last year and slacked off over the holidays as well, but kept my workouts up. I did the C25k program last spring and I am now training for a 12k in May. I work on running 3 days a week and vary my workouts the other days, anywhere from weight training to Zumba to spin class to workout videos. I'm a workout junkie, and I love that I get to eat more when I work out :tongue: I keep my cals right around 1300 or a net of at least 1200 on days that I work out. I would love to be 135 by May 1st, my ultimate goal!
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    Hello! I started in January weighing in at 176.4 pounds. As of today I weighed in at 158.4 a total of 18 pounds lost. I have two children, my son is 4 and my daughter is 15 months, in December I had to see the Doctor and I was about 10 pounds away from "giving birth" again....YIKES and I wasn't pregnant...I needed a life change.

    A friend of mine uses this website and truned me on to it, it has been so helpful in keeping me on track!!! I love it. I also went and got a treadmill to be able to exercise in the winter months. I now exercise at least 5 times a week...doing my Shred video or my treadmill and somedays both. I try to keep my calories right at the 1200 mark.

    My ideal weight is 145, I am trying to use that as my May 1 goal (13.4 pounds to go)!! Of course my long term goal is to maintain the "new me". I also have goals set for this summer, participate in at least 4 5K run/walks, the first one is April 10. I have never been a runner and I have finally been able to "jog" a whole mile without stopping, even as a teen I was never able to do this, a great achievement for me!!

    I always like to have extra support, it helps keep me on track! My son is super helpful as well, he is four, but loves to exercise with me and that really helps push me to exercise even when I dont want to.

    Welcome to MFP, and may you achieve your goals!!
  • Wow you are both runners! I sadly can not seem to run for longer than 5 minutes without feeling like I am going to fall out :blushing: . Can I ask what the Shred video is? I have seen others talk about it in other topics but I have no idea what it is.

    Ladies I can't wait to see what we can do by May 1st.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Ashley ~ It's a Jillian Michael's DVD, kicks your butt! I really like her circuit style workouts. Her Blast Fat Boost Metabolism is AWESOME! And I never thought I'd be a runner, now it's just natural for me and I love it. If you ever want to run more or longer, check out the Couch to 5k program, I wouldn't be where I am today without it!

    Lorns ~ You've done really well on your weight loss so far, congrats!!

    Today I danced around the house and did some lunges and squat, and then when my husband got home I went for a 5 mile run averaging 11 min/mile. The wind was BRUTAL to me tonight! LOL Excited to weigh in tomorrow! :)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Good morning ladies, weighed-in at 145 this morning! I can totally do 10 before May 1st!
    Also took measurements:
    30" waist
    36" hips
    23.5" (47total) thighs
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    Great Job Katapple!! I would love to be at a 5 mile run, slow but sure I will make it there!

    Ashley, I don't run, I jog. I have been averaging about 13 minute miles but so far I can only do about 2 miles and I have to walk about a quarter of a mile in the middle.

    I started doing two minute walk and one minute run/jog until I could do it the run/jog longer. It has taken since January to be able to do a full mile. When I decided to be a healthier person I made it a goal to do at least 4 - 5Ks this summer, I do not expect to come in first but if I don't come in last I will have achieved something for myself.
  • Sorry ladies I had some sort of food poisoning yesterday and couldn't get on. My official last weight check was 198 so as of today I am 196. I did my measurements and boy was I surprised to see those results.

    Katie~ I will have to check out the Couch to 5k asap because I need to work on getting my agility up. Congrats on the weight loss

    Lorns~ I have heard that intervals actually help keep your body guessing so what you are doing is great.

    I went for an hour long moderate paced walk today with my mom for I think 3 miles. I forgot my pedometer at home but I am positive it is over 2 and closer to 3 miles. I did pretty good but my stomach was in knots from yesterdays sickness. I plan to play some table tennis on the Wii tonight since I realized I burn a nice amount of calories for playing a game!
  • Also wanted to ad that last night I took my first "under garment" picture of myself for reference. It was not as bad as I imagined but it was not great either. I plan to take a picture once a month since sometimes you can not always see the change in the mirror.
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    HI there! I'm a Mother of 2. My dd is 9y and my ds is 4y. I too would love my prepregnancy body back if not slimmer! I just stared Jillian Michaels' 30 day Shred this week, I'm on day 4 and it has kicked my butt!! I love it! Just getting into the swing of eating proper proportions and exercising. Hoping MFP helps to put me on the right track!

    I just signed up for my first 10k walk at the end of May, I'm so excited! I hope to get on my treadmill soon when the aches subside some from the shred!! Goodluck on your journey everyone!!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    Hi Everyone,

    My oldest will be 4 n July, and my little guy is 10 months. To be perfectly honest, I was not thin before kids. I have struggled with my weight my whole life and had gestational dibetes with both preganancies. Having to inject insulin in myself twice a day was quite the wake-up call. Although it does not have to happen my chances of developing type 2 diabetes is much higher, especially if I am over weight. So ere I am. When I first started I was not exercising. My husband works nights, so I just made the excuse that I could not go to the gym. Once I started losing, I decided it was time to forget about excuses and find a way to exercise. I am doing the 30 day shred now. And I also do Biggest Loser Bootcamp and weightloss yoga when I can fit it in. I have to do it at night, but it is worth it. I definately feel better about myself. Plus at 9 bucks a piece, it is so much cheaper than the gym! I was actually thinking of trying the C25k program this summer. So far I am down 27 pounds. I lost some before discovering MFP. Good to know there are other women out there facing the same challenges.
  • Hey
    My name is Nycolle I am a proud mother of a boy who is 10months old. I ended weighing 198 after my son was born and my normal weight is 160. I am currently stuck between 175 to 178. I have been walking up and down hills to lose my weight I also tried the dancing with the stars cardio workout, I love it and when I get my own place I am going to buy the workout video and lose the rest if not more of my weight. But right now my goal is 160.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hello to the new ladies!! So glad you could join us :)

    I'm going to be kinda spacey over the next few days...trying to get a lot of stuff done with the house as we are getting ready to list it. My husband is in the USAF and we should be moving by the end of the year, if not sooner! I'll try to keep up with y'all!!

    Oh and if anyone is interested for C25k podcasts here are my favorites:

    All done to pop, hip/hip, etc music and they will cut in and tell you when to walk and when jog...makes he time go by much faster!!

    Here it the background on it:

    I got a run in today and I knew it was going to be a short one so I wanted to push myself to see how fast I could go. I ended up doing 3.35 miles in 31:51, an average 9:30/mile pace!! OMG! I didn't even know my body could do that! I usually run an 11 to 11:30/ mile, and for my longer runs, I know that's where I'll be at...but still very excited that my endurance is building!
  • Hello to the new ladies and thank you for joining us. We are currently weighing in every wednesday and have shared our weightloss goal to hit by May, 1st.

    Good luck to all of you on your journeys.

    katie~ you are sooooo inspiring!:happy:
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I'm trying to stay motivated at this point. Been doing 30Day Shred for 6 days now. I feel as though I've toned up some but I absolutely have not lost any weight at this point. I'm really hoping to find some pants fitting more loosly soon. I feel really good about the exercises and feel great after wards I just hope to start seeing some results soon. Trying to stay motivated, gotta watch what I eat more and try to get on that treatmill!! I guess those can be my minigoals for the up-coming week.
  • Happy Monday Ladies! Hope everyone had a great weekend. I am in pain this morning but in a good way since playing the Wii has gotten my arms extra tired. I think I am going to look into this 30day Shred since everyone I have seen is trying it. I cheated today and weighed in a little early but only lost .05 since the last time so booooooo. I guess it is time to maybe start a light jog along with my run to kick up the intensity.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    The shred is definately worth the 9 dollars! I think it is made for moms like us. 20 minutes is about all we can find! And in 20 minutes... you definately feel like you did something.
  • dmags~ I live on the second floor of my building and can't do anything that requires a lot of jumping. I have the biggest loser game for the wii and have to short myself on some of the exercising because it has me making too much noise (like jumping jacks).
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    anikki: .5 pounds is great! Keep going! The shred does have some jumping jacks and other cardio exercises but i'm sure you can substitute another activity while the video is doing those.
    I weighed in today and I'm down 2 pounds. I've lost a few inches at various spots of my body. Yay me!! I teach preschoolers (I'm on my lunch right now), today we took the children for a 20 min walk and then walked up and down a big hill for another 20 minutes or so! It felt great! I'm sure they will be falling asleep at rest time pretty quickly today!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Nikki ~ Aww thanks! I'm scared to step on the scale this week...I think I'm gonna gain! I love the shred, but I get bored easily so I can't do it every day

    Ferff ~ Try to add some cardio in every other day, you should see some weight loss. Plus, muscle tends to hold onto more water after being worked out. Keep up the awesome work!! Congrats on the 2lbs already!! WOHOO!!

    Had a bad weekend, but it was all worth it! I went and stayed at a hotel with 3 of my closest friends (one is moving away soon) and ate and drank way too much LOL This weeks WI will probably not be good. I did get an awesome run in this morning though, 7.69 miles in 84 minutes! With HILLS! woot!! And I plan on going to Zumba and lifting weights tomorrow night...hopefully that will help ;)
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Katapple: Thanks for the words of advice! I'm trying! Looks like your doing quite well and , well, everyone has to have a weekend of fun sometime! I sure wish I had the coordination for Zumba!! LOL
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