No way to heat soup or porridge up. BUT that has given me a good idea (and the most obvious) a bit earlier at about 5 ish and use the microwave at work.... Hmmmm....
I'm still watching it and Jillian has also suggested eating low calorie 2 days, 'moderate' calories for 3 days and then slack off at the weekends! I'm starting to think I should stop listening to them :P But I think I will try the big breakfast light dinner thing. It makes some kinda sense.
Linkin Park - Bleed It Out.
I'm going to Florida next year, and I wanna look *kitten* hoTT in it :P. That's my reason for losing weight. I have changed my diet (without the primary goal of losing weight) to get clearer skin. Although I shouldn't say this, I would totally swap my body for a skinny persons body even if they are really unhealthy and ate…
Mine is to ACTUALLY go to the gym! Ha, first time in 2 weeks. Spend 1.5 hours there, doing at least 1hr of that as cardio.
I didn't want to offend anyone on this site, so I thought I should add that this site is not poop, but you are correct, there is some rubbish on here too....but the positives outweigh the negatives with MPF! It's awesome :)
I should add that I could be classed as 'Overweight'...not obese but definitely overweight, and I am no fitness guru. I go to the gym twice a week, and do the 'normal' stuff (Bike, rower, cross trainer, leg machine arm machine, weights on ball, floor work for abs and plank). No heavy weights at all.
Well wouldn't you know 20lbs is the exact amount of weight I have to lose! Current Weight: 145lbs Goal Weight: 125lbs I am also really focusing on body fat percentage, but losing 20lbs will surely help :) I've been naughty it starts tomorrow :)
Haha I was supposed to be going to a British Military Fitness class in the park today, but the ground will be very water logged and I don't wanna get wet! I'm gymming instead. I have always been told that exercising when ill is 'counter productive'. I have no idea what that means though coz I can't imagine it would…
Well funnily enough I MEANT to pick up Creme Fraiche from Sainsbury's but accidently picked up WW cream, and thought.....what can I do with this?! Thanks! This seems pretty perfect :).
Do some other kind of exercise? I am also a gym member but I always make excuses not to go, like yesterday it was because I have hairy legs and I couldn't go as all the people would look at my ape legs! So I had to shave them! Tonight my excuse it that I have to straighten my hair, and with the amount of hair I have it can…
Mary-Kate and Two of a Kind! Pity they both look very different now (a nice way of saying, they look rough!)
Dear E.L James and Stephenie Meyer Way to go teaching people to COMPLETELY change themselves for another person. Also (only for E.L. James) I was expecting a kinky book about hot weird sex, and I am reading the 2nd book, and it's basically morphed into a romance novel! *YAWN!* Your faithfully Dissatisfied reader.
I'll stay on track because I have created an awesome Weight Loss Chart on Excel and I plan to print it off and stick it to the Kitchen Wall :). Also, by doing this I found out that I was overweight according to BMI :(. I know people don't rate BMI but I am not overly tall or muscly, so it's probably a good indicator for me.
Ewwww, I didn't know you could get chicken breast in a can (I'm from the UK). Is it in brine or something?
Well, seeing as this site recommended that I eat 1282 cals a day (5'2" and office worker) I would have thought that was a healthy way to lose weight! When I add exercise into the mix I find it tough to add in the extra calories, I have an extra 120 cals today that I dunno what to do with.