

  • I actually agree with the post about sucking it up and going to the gym anyway. It sounds harsh, but we're usually the only ones really holding ourselves back from anything. I have large, uterine fibroids that make my life miserable for a full week every month. And, I'm not gonna lie, while I don't binge eat by any means,…
  • I'm hoping to get some comments like that at some point. I've lost 20 pounds now and no one notices anything! Good for you!
  • I have the Turbo Jam workouts and they're so much fun! I actually don't do them regularly now, since I joined a gym. I just feel more motivated and challenged working out in a gym. But the workouts are so much fun, you'll love it. As for the weighted gloves, I found them a bit uncomfortable. You'll definitely want to work…
  • Hi everyone! I'm 5'2" and August was challenging for me as well. I travel alot and have alot of work stresses. I've always been a stress/boredom/emotional eater and while I've managed to keep losing, it's been a battle this past month. I really want to lose another 40 pounds this year, but with the holidays coming up, that…
  • Pizza is one of my weaknesses too! Welcome to MFP!
  • I like Greek Yogurt in the morning. My fave is Chobani Strawberry Banana 2%. The 2% has a little bit of fat and isn't as bitter as the nonfat version. Only 160 calories, and, it has like 14 grams of protein and helps me stay full all morning!