

  • Wow! Awesome results! You are a success story to be proud of. Well done! Time for me to start again as soon as my baby is out :-) So wish me luck I'll have even more weight to worry about with a crying baby *lol*
  • I have heard an old wives tale - and a friend of mine has used it and it worked for her - but it takes time to draw into your skin! Proper Natural Olive Oil. Not the stuff bought at a chemist, the proper thing.... Give it a try, can't do any harm :-) Stretch marks are like cellulite, all woman have them, no matter how thin…
  • Um, another thing - chat to the family and clear the air - if you guys can sort out any issues productively it will make you a happier person (and them to most likely). Make a list of all issues and then take turns to talk, you could find at the end of the day it was something really silly that started the issues. You see…
  • Love your advise - Lists are great to get your mind to calm down ;-)
  • Congrats on your motivation and sorry to hear about the op. Yes I think a lot of people have found this application easy to use ;-) Keep up the good work and don't let the odd bad day get you down .
  • At the end of the day Jamie is running a business. His food awareness is a good thing considering the easy availability of fast foods and quick fix meals in the UK and America. It makes people aware... that is if they watch his programs! From my point of view, while we are currently staying in a country where the society…