jerobins Member


  • A NutriBullet is a blender that makes very smooth smoothies. You can get them at Target. It works better than my high dollar blender. It's called the world's first nutrition extractor. I can put a apple with skin on ,no seeds. spinach and nuts and ice. turn it on for 60 seconds and you will have a very good tasting and…
  • Journaling has helped me more than anything. I weigh,measure and write down everything I eat each day. It helps keep me honest, and I also post here. pPus I am older than you and it is harder to do. You :smile can do this. :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • You can and will do this. I am here to help if I can. I started this over a year ago by myself after visiting our daughter. I started to keep track of everything I ate. I weighed, measure and wrote it all each day. I only weighed in once a week. I never thought I could do this fo more than a few days. I lost almost 45…
  • Kathy I know just how hard this is for you. :smile: I had never weighed over the 200 mark and then when I saw it on my scale, I...........:cry: So after coming back from vacation last June, I started to do things on my own. But I had help from my daughter in Minnesota. She was doing what I am doing now. She got me going.…
  • hey Kathy..................... write down everything you eat and drink to start with. Whe I started this last June, I would weigh,measure and write everything ina journal/ notebook. I am on my third book. Just start out slow,one dayat a time. My first week I lost 2 pounds. I thought maybe there is something to keeping a…
  • I make a great low cal cucumber salad. Creamy Cucumber Salad 1/2 cup fat free palin yogurt 55 cal 1/4 cup thin sliced onion 30 cal 3 cups thin sliced cucumbers 45 cal 1/2 teaspoon dry dill 3 Tablespoons of Red Wine Vinegar 2 to 3 packs of Splenda salt and pepper if you want I mix it all together and let it sit over night .…
    in Newbie!! Comment by jerobins July 2011
  • Hey we are all here to help each other. Feel free to ask me anything and I hope I can help in some way. Having my journals have been really good. If I think I am in a rut I go back and look through them. I also weigh in every Monday morning and write it at the top of the page for that week. I even circle it. LOL!!! Some…
    in Newbie!! Comment by jerobins June 2011
  • I didn't mean to hit the quote key...................... so now it's just stuck there,forever. ::ohwell:
  • Hi everybody I am a newbie from Arizona. I have been doing the weight loss thing on my own. I started this last June after we came back from vacation seeing out daughter and her family. She got me started and things just took off for me. I am down 46 pounds and I didn't have to give up any of my favorite foods. I do…
    in Newbie!! Comment by jerobins June 2011