mstorious Member


  • Intuitive eating (well the concept that it's based on) works when your body chemistry is doing what it's supposed to, and your brain doesn't override things, and... There are tons of variables, most of which make it a near impossible task for the majority of people. Imho I think it's just more buzz words that make people…
  • I usually shoot for a minimum of 25g a day of fiber, according to one of my text books (Nutrition for sport and exercise) that is appropriate for women and men should consume 38g. As for the calcium.. those dark leafy greens are your best friend as are seeds (almonds, sesame, sunflower). I did some searching on the web and…
  • As everyone mentioned you definitely need more fruit and veg. Also, you should try to get in more fiber (I don't think that they recommend high enough consumption for people on MFP) and calcium (both will increase with increased consumption of veg and fruit). Soluble fiber will help clean out cholesterol while the…
  • What about quinoa? High in protein and amazing if you cook it with some broth (I use veggie or fat free chicken) Generic - Quinoa (1 Cup Cooked), 1 cup cooked - calories 250 carbs 39 fat 4 protein 9 fiber 5 I had it with pork and some stir fried veggies. Made a bunch then stored it in daily take and go containers. Meat -…
  • Your schedule seems ideal for that kind of plan... I'm just going off of the hours though because this is essentially what I did when I worked in an office with similar hours. Meal 1 : 7am breakfast Meal 2 and 3: 12:30pm lunch 3:30 snack Meal 4: 6:30pm dinner
  • This is one thing I love about California. It is a state law that any chain restaurant provide nutritional information on the menu!
  • The FAQ says this: A. Estimating the calories burned from strength training is very difficult because it depends on a variety of factors: how much weight you lifted per repetition, how vigorously you performed that exercise, how much rest you took between sets, etc. Because of this, we do not automatically calculate how…
  • amazing! Good job! You can see you getting happier and happier as the weight comes off :)
  • Why do you feel you need to add protein to your diet? The recommended intake is .8-1.8g per kg of body weight. If you weigh say 185 lbs (/2.2=84.09kg), then that equates to 67g (sedentary) - 151g (strength training athlete) of protein per day required. If you are exercising regularly and feel that you need the extra…
  • One thing I should mention. Taste buds are like hair. They don't all die at the same time and then all grow in new. They go in shifts. That's why it takes a while to get rid of that stubborn sweet tooth :smile: It also explains why some foods are delicacies in other countries but revolting to us... And congratulations to…
  • Although I did post a little article earlier I wanted to expand on that some of the information in there says. Based on my nutrition and kinesiology classes (I'm a KIN major getting a minor in nutrition) and some light research this is what I understand of diet soda and artificial sweetener consumption. 1) The studies that…
  • This article from Newsweek covers some diet soda "myths"