Diet Sodas



  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member

    4) The phosphoric acid in all sodas has been shown to decrease bone density in people that consume 3 or more per day as well as in those that have a daily soda. This is due to calcium being used as a buffer for the extra acid in the blood.Caffeine has also been shown to interfere with calcium absorption.

    I love diet pop, but this is what worries me the most and why I try to cut down... I want to be strong in my later years, and not have fragile bones!
  • szyja
    szyja Posts: 42
    Wow...thanks for all of this information! Especially this particular tidbit:

    (2) Your body grows new taste buds every three days. This is linked to craving of certain types of food. The more often you subject your taste buds to a certain flavor the more of that taste bud grow in. (who knew our parents were right when they said you can learn to like something?) This means that if you eat any substance that is sweet, your taste buds will like sweet more. They don't know how many calories are in it they just know how to do their job.)

    I have an AWFUL sweet tooth...nice to know that maybe, just maybe I can get rid of it...someday! :wink:

    I gave up diet pop on January 1 of this's been hard, but worth it. I have not even had a sip of pop (diet or otherwise) since! I find Perrier or San Pelligrino with a slice of lemon, lime or orange does me wonders!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • mstorious
    mstorious Posts: 13 Member
    One thing I should mention. Taste buds are like hair. They don't all die at the same time and then all grow in new. They go in shifts. That's why it takes a while to get rid of that stubborn sweet tooth :smile:
    It also explains why some foods are delicacies in other countries but revolting to us...

    And congratulations to those that have stopped the pop (hehe rhyme)
    and good luck to those trying! You CAN do it!!!
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    Wow is this interesting!! I am so intrigued by all of this...... Thanks!