
  • I would love to join your group! I started T25 this morning and it was TOUGH. I haven't exercised at all in several months & only sporadically the last couple of years, so I am definitely going to need support!
  • I started FocusT25 & exercise altogether after basically being inactive for 2 years. :( Injured myself (pulled hamstring) the week after running my first 10K, got out of the habit of regular exercise & am finally coming back. I am exhausted after 1st T25 Alpha Cardio workout & disappointed in myself for following modifier…
  • You can also get one with GPS.. take a look at the Garmin brand. I have a Garmin & wear the watch all day, but only wear the chest strap during workouts. I walk/jog & ride a bike, so I like to track my routes using the GPS. Oh, & the body bgg & fit bit are not HRM's, but pedometers & the fit bit does not require a…
  • My DH & I just started riding & are LOVING it! We ride 10-15 miles on hilly terrain 3 or 4 days/week. I have also recently started back runnng, and was amazed to see that I was burning almost as many calories biking as I was running as it doesn't seem as awful... I guess because I actually enjoy it, it doesn't feel as if…
  • I've been feeling the same way, but I finally made myself get out of bed this morning & exercise before work & I feel SO much better about myself. It's amazing how much better you will feel after even one day. I realize that one day makes absolutely no difference, but after months of setting my alarm for 5am & sleeping…
  • Thanks so much for the replies. My watch died & I need a new one & was hoping I could kill 2 birds with one stone. I was leaning towards the Polar FT60, but it looks so bulky online that I can't really see me wearing it to work, etc. I know I shouldn't let style dictate my decision, but the Garmin 405C has received good…
  • Trying to decide on a HRM/Pedometer & was curious if anyone has any feedback on their fitbits? I am leaning towards getting a fitbit, but am also interested in the bodybugg or a watch/HRM/Peomoeter as well. Any suggestions?
    in Fitbit Comment by 4WAVK June 2011
  • Sorry, her stated needs. :)
  • What about fitbit or bodybugg? I am currently researching pedometers/HRMs & was leaning towards fitbit. Does anyone have either one of these & if so, would you recommend them? Wouldn't they meet his stated needs?
  • I just joined MFP today & would LOVE to join your challenge as well. CW 179 GW 150 NSV - Run in a 5K
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