

  • Thanks. I'll pass it on. Dried fruits are a great idea as are the others.
  • As others have said. Do what works for you. I don't think its a good idea to have a 2000 calorie dinner after fasting all day, but a reasonably sized dinner helps you get through the night without midnight snacking on junk food! I find that evenly spreading the calories helps me make sensible choices. i.e. a mid-morning…
  • I bought a Sodastream fountain and it's one of the best kitchen gadgets we own. Unlimited sparkling water!!
  • I record only my lowest, but to deal with daily fluctuations I don't register my current weight until I am 1lb below. E.g I don't believe I am 220lbs until I see 219lbs on the scale. Stupid? Yes, but that way I don't get upset if I click up a 0.5-1lb which happens a lot. Whatever works for you. The key thing is to be…
  • I think you can cheat on an elliptical by using your weight for momentum. I can't do that on a treadmill so it makes me work harder. That said, I can't do treadmill every day - I get shin splints and overall it feels harder on joints. I do have to say that if you're serious about running, get running shoes not just fashion…
  • All great advice folks! I tried room temp. water today and it made a big difference. It's counter-intuitive to drink warmer water to cool down, but it does help a lot.
  • I would need it all over my body. It's not just the 'pits... What's weird is that I'm not one of those sweaty guys. However, intense cardio seems to cause me to overheat and it just won't dissipate!
  • Thanks all. I like the idea of undershirts. I hadn't thought of that. I'll try watering up with cold water before working out too. Mostly, I have been working out after work, but I find I have more energy at lunch time, and it frees up my evening for other stuff. Any other tips? :smile:
  • I get like that some days. Three things get me through: 1) I LOVE how I feel after exercise. (Honestly, if someone could bottle that feeling, they'd make millions) 2) I like that I can eat more after earning calories. I try to eat at least half the calories back - I seem to lose more weight that way. 3) I made a promise to…
  • There was a time in the not so distant past where that would have looked delicious to me. No so any longer. It should come with a side order of Lipitor, not french fries!
  • I "cheat" only on days when I can't help it (e.g. special events or when travelling away from home). I don't give myself cheat days where I consciously decide to eat what I like without counting the calories. If I know I might go over (usually dinner out with friends) I usually try to fit in a way of earning the calories…
  • Agree. Get yourself back on track and you'll be back to where you were in no time.
  • Agree with what others have said. My main beef with the elliptical is that my feet get a little bit numb after about 20-25 mins. I think this is normal, but would love to hear from others.
  • Well you should not work out if it has been hours since you last ate and you are feeling famished. You won't get the most out of your routine unless you have some fuel on board. My trainer recommended something light before a workout such as soup, or something with lots of whole grains. I agree with what others have said…
  • ...that an oatmeal raisin cookie is simply not worth the 35mins on the elliptical to earn the calories back.