MNBardsley Member


  • Congrats bro! I started a bit heavier than you but I am almost the same weight (dropped to 208 then rebounded and maintained at 223 for 6 months). It is damn frustrating but every day you have a fresh start to make a's up to me to seize it.
  • Hey all. I think the hardest part for me is balancing social life with being responsible for eating right and working out. I love trying new restaurants and grabbing drinks with friends. I hit 300 lbs. after college but started eating better, running and working out. I am now around 215 lbs. but I want to lose another 20…
  • It's frustrating when the scale spikes or plateaus...incredibly frustrating. But we wont always be perfect and if we just zoom out and look at our progress we can see weight dropping and a few small blips where something didn't go as planned. 8 lbs. is tiny when you look at the big picture. You lost focus but you caught it…
  • Btw, I took the advice from an early response and posted it to the blogs. Same story, not as many grammatical errors! Thanks for the support, all!
  • I disagree. I believe in most cases that laziness and excuses are symptoms of a bigger problem, not the problem itself. If the challenging part of fitness was the hard work and the time to do it, SO many more people would be fit. The multi-billion dollar industry of self-help books, diet plans and exercises promising abs…
  • @ Anelda Yea, we live in downtown and only a semi-sketchy jog under the 408 overpass to hit Lake Eola! Loving the new art they have been putting up except for that weird white eye thing in front of the Waverly... @mellyajc Preach! If you're not failing, then you aren't trying. Heard something that said "Success is defined…
  • @scottyg70: It is so hard to be overweight and walk into a gym where all the "fit people" hang out. I had gotten up to almost 300 lbs. and worked out at home using laundry detergent bottles as dumbbells specifically because I felt unworthy to be in a gym and ran my neighborhood at night so people didn't see how slow I…
  • @fitnh: Thanks for the kind words! I'm not as familiar with the social features on MFP but I think I have a blog set up here. Should I just post it there?
  • 1. A handful of broccoli slaw (no dressing or anything), drizzled with a little EVOO and whatever protein I cooked in the fridge on top which could be chicken, steak, turkey burger, salmon, etc. Toss in a few grape tomatoes and takes under a minute! 2. Small natural peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat is a…
  • SkinnyFat = Not fit If you want to become skinny, you take in less calories and up your cardio. If you want to put on muscle, you take in more calories and lift weights. Being skinny, you will want to do more muscle-building to fill out and maybe add a little cardio (like 1 day) since you already walk, climb stairs as part…
  • I have definitely been there before. I am taking a trip to NYC this weekend so I wont have my normal gym workouts. I planned running Central Park one day and the Brooklyn Bridge the next. I also have a "hotel room workout" (Google it) which are bodyweight exercises like Michele mentioned above. Don't let burst pipes slow…
  • Taso: I had a bench and DB set before I got a gym membership. Since it will only be a month, I don't want to invest in anything. I am hoping to just do bodyweight or picking up detergent bottles/chairs/pullups on a tree, etc. Totally agree that you can do almost EVERYTHING with a bench and dumbbells though.
  • Kristyn: I will have to take a look at this...should I just Google 30 Day Shed? Thanks! I actually did a version of this in my driveway (T.O. style!) 3 sets of: 50 jumping jacks 20 pushups 50 squats 10 burpees 20 leg lifts 20 crunches 5 pull ups Then i followed it with some sprints and it was a KILLER. Thanks for the post,…
  • I get in trouble with lunch when I overdo the variety so I stick with either chicken and veggies, a turkey sandwich with spinach on whole wheat, tuna salad (lite mayo or an olive oil mixture) or leftovers.