Shouldabeenaninja Member


  • I have that happen sometimes...but you gotta think...EVERYTHING and anything can make that number change! If you drink a ton of water, you could always take a water pill... ummm...sodium, of course!....the weather! lol - ok it seems like it sometimes...haha. I just always weigh in the same time of day, and try not to…
  • Hey Carmen! We may be related, because I have that same family lol! I'm glad you put that you want to do it for yourself, and not fr them, because it will definitely boost your self esteem!! :) Soooo...what are you planning to do? (Like aside from dieting) you have a plan as far as working out? If I could offer a…
  • Cute! lol - I have a friend that's lost like 165 pounds, but she said when she was in the process of gaining weight lol, she'd always blame her husband for shrinking her clothes in the (who does that?!) haha... But yeah...your mom isn't right. I'm 30...and it's working out just fine! :) Good luck!!
  • Hey guys! I agree with the youtube ideas and asking other friend opened her own studio a couple months ago, and is open to new keeps things from getting so monotonous (sp) lol I'm getting my instructor's license in September, and have already got a list of about 30 songs with moves that she hasn't…
  • Well chick - unfortunately, you may have to look @ surgery. I've been a DD-DDD for as long as I can remember. You either lose it there or you don't. I've lost probably like 24 pounds so far (weigh-in Monday), and the only thing that's changed is that the band of my bra is too big. And what's weird is most bras, when you go…
  • omg you guys! LOL This is funny. It makes me want to go eat some dang cake. LOL jk I hate sauer kraut...that's pretty much it. I never tried hummus until the other day because it always looked/sounded but it wasn't that bad! Oh, and I agree with the cottage cheese. I can't bring myself to ever even try it…
  • EBAY! I've only lost 2 dress sizes, but have made good money over the last month and a half with it (by selling the stuff that's too big now), and have been able to purchase new stuff, or you can use PayPal at other sites too. For some reason, plus size clothes sell SOOOOO fast on there. It's easy to use once you get the…
  • Hey Vicki! LOL! This is the story of my life! It's my left knee (I'm left-handed...idk if it has anything to do with it) but, I go to Zumba (class) typically twice a day M-S. I'd only have a problem with my knee every now and then before...but now, it hurts 24/7. At first I thought it was my shoes, because with some of the…
  • I will tell you what's working for me! I've done the whole trainer "thing" and usually they piss me off before I ever give them a chance (lol) and also it CAN get very expensive! Try Zumba....there's probably a class near you. It's not really a bootcamp, but it is addicting, and FUN! It doesn't even seem like you're…