Hello! I just joined today :)

robinsoncarm0715 Posts: 2 Member
edited 5:30PM in Introduce Yourself
My name is Carmen, I'm 21 years old. I'm a little less than 6 feet tall, and come from a bigger, unhealthier family. I've always been insecure about my weight and have been teased by loved ones so my self esteem is very low. I've finally decided to try and lose some weight to feel better about myself and boost confidence. I would love support, friends, tips, anything! Thanks :)


  • RJSuperMan
    RJSuperMan Posts: 52 Member
    Welcome. No trash talk here or criticism here. LOTS of cheerleaders. Lots of friends.
  • sunraze
    sunraze Posts: 115
    Welcome aboard! Good luck in your journey. You will get a lot of support and tips here.
    Amy :wink:
  • Shouldabeenaninja
    Shouldabeenaninja Posts: 9 Member
    Hey Carmen! We may be related, because I have that same family lol! I'm glad you put that you want to do it for yourself, and not fr them, because it will definitely boost your self esteem!! :)

    Soooo...what are you planning to do? (Like aside from dieting)...do you have a plan as far as working out? If I could offer a suggestion...try zumba! You can either do it at home or go to a class...I refused to go to a class at first because I was thinking there'd only be like the tiny girls there...but honestly, there are all kinds of people who do it...so it's not like going to a gym and getting on a boring treadmill with, what seems like, everyone watching you! LOL

    Anyway - I try to go to 2 classes a day, and those girls there have become my friends and my support system! So, idk if it's an option for you, but it's definitely worth trying!

    Welcome to MFP! And good luck with your weight loss!! :)
  • robinsoncarm0715
    robinsoncarm0715 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks so much guys! Feel free to add me as a friend too! As far as working out, I'm planning to do some running (that's my really weak area so I want to build endurance). Also, I just joined a cheerleading team as well. The only downside is that we practice only one day a week. I've heard about Zumba and I'm definitely interested...going to check it out :)
  • 46and2
    46and2 Posts: 167
    Welcome! I also come from a family where the majority is unhealthy. That's part of my motivation. Feel free to add me for some additional encouragement!
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