

  • And Northern California... :-)
  • San Francisco Bay Area (norther california)! Pros: You are driving distance to the ocean and to the maintains. In the winter we ski and in the summer we surf or lounge by the water. I live in a suburb about 20 min from San Francisco so if we want a night on the town (some of the best food in the US is in SF) it's a short…
  • I'm an addict myself :) I use a coffee presser and use just two scoops of fresh ground beans (vs recommended 6). I also switched to vanilla flavored soy milk....I know soy milk is an acquired taste - but give it a try! Good luck!
  • Me too! Would LOVE some of those extra calories! As it stands now I burn most of my calories by lunch time and HAVE to work out if I want a decent dinner! :)
  • Technically a pound is a I shouldn't say muscle weighs more. A pound of feathers or a pound of butter - they're both a pound, right? However, a pound of feathers takes up a lot more room than a pound of butter. Same w/muscle vs fat...muscle mass is much more condense and takes up way less space in comparison to…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're not working out then you are likely losing muscle mass, but gaining fat. This is why people often gain weight when they first start to consistently work out. When I was pregnant last year I had to stop working out for the first time in yrs and lost weight initially as many of my…
  • Just eat what's right for long as you ate healthy and feel satisfied then listen to your body...not the website!
  • Are you saying you only ate 438 calories for the entire day? I hope not! That can't be good for you!
  • A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith. It's about a little girl growing up in Brooklyn in the early 1900's. I love to read stories set in prior generations - it's amazing (and a good reminder) to see how far we've come as a society with everything from women's rights and racism to technology.
  • Hi Christine - I recommend to things to help you achieve balance. Find a new outlet - maybe it's running, or pilates, etc...find something you love and do it w/a group so you meet other folks w/the same passion as you. Embrace your love of food - so what if you think about it all the time? So do most of us. And one of the…
  • That's exactly what I'm looking for - thank you!! I put in yard work like an idiot and nothing came up...
  • I am curious how folks are tracking or crediting themselves for calories burned for things like yard work. I busted butt today working outdoors for 3 hours..but have no idea how many calories I burned. Any advice?