dancedivine Member


  • Please don't take away my Quest bars!!!! I'm a total addict.
  • Great book!!! And, yes, I think it's really important to take care of yourself throughout your marriage.... I've been married for over a decade & my hubby and I are both serious about healthy eating and exercise. He's not letting himself go, and I'm not either. It's important to both of us.... But, there are some men who…
  • Me, too!!!! I just recently got active on MyFitnessPal... So, I'd love to add some motivation friends to my "friends list..." I'm in maintenance mode, but I'm trying to build muscle & get more serious about my weight lifting... And, who couldn't use more support and encouragement? Feel free to add me!!! :)
  • Nope... You're not alone! My rest days are the worst.... I hate that I don't have the extra calories from exercise & so I often end up not trying at all. It's a terrible cycle..... I'm now trying intermittent fasting - especially on my rest days. If I can hold out on food until 1pm or so, I can usually keep my calories…
  • Every single day... multiple times per day. My scale is right next to the toilet in my bathroom, so it has become a habit for me to step on the scale when I get off the toilet. lol.... I don't mind it, though. There is usually a 2-3 pound difference between the morning weight & the evening weight. Now, when I stop weighing…
  • Unfortunately for me, dairy and gluten both cause me acne. (I can't tell you how much I miss my Fage Greek yogurt!!!) But, I gave up dairy as a part of a 30-day detox program back in January & my skin miraculously cleared up within a matter of weeks. And, then every time I "cheated" after that (ice cream, yogurt, etc), I…
  • Thanks, guys!!! I just put in my order for Scivation Xtend Nutritional Supplement, Mango Nectar. Around $24 on Amazon & free two-day shipping... You can't beat that! ;)
  • Thank you, @Menix8!!! Also.... Does anyone know anything about this brand? I like the fact that it's marketed for women.... NLA for Her - Her Aminos:
  • Now, what exactly is the leangains guide? It sounds like something I need to read.... Oh, And thanks so much for the info, guys!!!! :)
  • Thanks so much for the help, Staci!!! Yeah, I think you're right.... The 1,500-1,600 is the baseline w/out any exercise. So, I'm pretty sure I'm burning way more than that - especially when I get in those good workouts. I'm pretty happy when I can consume around 2,000 calories each day... So, as long as I keep moving, I'll…
  • I'm 5'4" - a bit older than you are & hovering around 123.5 pounds... ;) But, my body fat weight scale tells me I can eat around 2,100 calories each day to maintain my weight. I work out pretty regularly as well - weights and cardio. So, I figure as long as I keep it around 2,000 calories or less each day, I'm good. Of…