

  • When I was in basic, a trick they told us was swinging our arms more. That lengthened my stride.
  • I've never had a pet. So, I'd just be: Jamestown
  • This is what I learned in the Army. You can drink too much water. When you do, it will flush the salts out of your body. That would be a BAD THING. However, getting to that point is VERY difficult. If you tank up on water for days and don't eat anything, I'm sure you could do it. But, if you're eating food and just…
  • Low Cal snacks. Veggies, popcorn, that kind of thing. Carrots and popcorn are my favorites. Supposedly, if you're eating a little bit every 2-3 hours, it'll speed up your metabolism, too.
  • I spank my son. When he gets really belligerent, it's the only form of punishment he responds to. I always try taking away toys/privileges and removing him from the situation to talk to him first, but if he doesn't respond to that, he gets swatted. When I was young, my parents used to wail away on our rears so we couldn't…
  • Try doing situps without having your feet held down. That will target your abs more. When your feet are held down, it works your hip flexors more.
  • I have been told that interval training will speed up your metabolism. Also, eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day is supposed to, as well.
    in Help Comment by dvusk August 2011
  • If it's serious muscle pain, take a rest. That's your body telling you to stop. If it's just post-workout soreness, just push through.
  • I'm not an expert at all, but with kids, I'd say teaching them when it's good to stop eating is better than portion control. I'd suggest not asking if they're full, but if they're satisfied. If they're satisfied, they're done eating. Just my two cents.
  • Oh, I love it!
  • If you're not used to that exercise, you're going to be sore for the first week, or so. Also, if the pain was that bad, you may have pushed yourself a bit too hard. Or you didn't stretch properly before and after. Doing that will reduce the soreness and pain from your workouts.
  • I find that just starting again is enough to get me motivated. If I don't feel like exercising, I just grit my teeth and start it anyway. Once the muscles get going and the blood is flowing, I feel much better. Exercise will also help burn off negative feelings, if you're still feeling bummed out.
  • Mmm... if a butterfinger called me, I'd answer real quick, too!
  • The easiest way to deal with a craving is to give in to it just enough to take your mind off of it. Sure! Eat that cookie! But just ONE cookie. Or half of one. Whatever it takes for your body to say, "Aaaah! Thank you!" Then you're done.
  • I have heard that working out in the morning is the best, because it kickstarts your metabolism and has a lower risk for heart complications. But, late exercise is better than no exercise. Personally, I work out after lunch, because that fits my day best. Whenever you can work it in, I'd say, go for it.
  • Awesome, thanks! My wife has been dying for a solution to her post pregnancy tummy stretch. I'll get her to try this and we'll see if it works!
  • He does have a point, you need to be accountable to yourself. Having said that, if you being accountable to yourself is not having them in the house, there's a problem. Perhaps a good approach is to give him one area where he can stash the oh-so-good-but-bad-for-you sweets, somewhere you can force yourself not to go. That…
  • I've heard 8, 8oz cups of water a day. For me, that's not nearly enough, especially since I live in the hot desert and work outdoors. Drink LOTS of water. It does a body good. And, it's almost impossible to drink too much, unless you're not eating enough.
  • Wow, great info, guys! Thanks to all.
    in Eggs Comment by dvusk June 2011
  • I didn't start noticing increased flexibility until I was stretching both morning and night. Stretching multiple times a day will help. And you'll want to try and stretch farther each time. Don't hurt yourself by going too far, just try to reach a little bit farther.
    in Flexibility? Comment by dvusk June 2011