

  • Also don't forget that 1500kcal is way healthier (and you will probably lose some weight) than 1200kcal of junk. I have no idea what your diet is like, but take it into consideration?
  • Thanks so much to you all for your advice. I think I'm going to take a week long vacation from MFP and see how it feels. That, and have a good long talk about this with a close confident. Thanks again to everyone who replied!
  • I think we have really similar body types. I feel self-conscious about a very wide ribcage and a general "thick" body type. Even if I lose weight, I still feel "big" in that sense. I would recommend strength-training! That's what gives the tight look I'm guessing you want (it's what I'm going for too) and it's the one…
  • Personally if i only had 30 minutes at the gym every day, I would spend it lifting. If you keep a good pace it's a good cardio workout on top of the obvious strength training.
  • So you don't like milk, but how do you feel about yogurt? I recently moved to Japan and the milk here is way too thick for my tastes so I stopped drinking it. Instead, I do a few scoops of plain yogurt + some fresh granola. I buy both in large containers, so I can serve myself as little or as much as I want. It's delicious…