Is 1100 net too low?

Hello! I've recently started tracking my calorie intake and I have a couple questions. First of all, I'm currently 125lbs at 5'4" and 18 years old, and I want to lose about 15-20 pounds in four months or so... All the calorie calculators tell me that I shouldn't eat below 1200 but I don't think I've been eating much more than 1500 over the past few months yet I've mysteriously gained 10 pounds.

Basically, I feel that 1200 wouldn't put me at enoughof a deficit by what my body is used to so I'm considering going down to 1000 or 1100 net but I wanted to see what you all thought about it incase it really is dangerous or if that's just what the calculators say so they don't get sued, lol.

So, should I stick to 1200 or bring it down a bit considering my size and low activity level?


  • Hello! I've recently started tracking my calorie intake and I have a couple questions. First of all, I'm currently 125lbs at 5'4" and 18 years old, and I want to lose about 15-20 pounds in four months or so... All the calorie calculators tell me that I shouldn't eat below 1200 but I don't think I've been eating much more than 1500 over the past few months yet I've mysteriously gained 10 pounds.

    Basically, I feel that 1200 wouldn't put me at enoughof a deficit by what my body is used to so I'm considering going down to 1000 or 1100 net but I wanted to see what you all thought about it incase it really is dangerous or if that's just what the calculators say so they don't get sued, lol.

    So, should I stick to 1200 or bring it down a bit considering my size and low activity level?

    I would recommend sticking with the 1200 calories. Since you just tracking your food, you might be surprised how many calories you were eating the past few months. If you haven't, add in some light exercise as well. See if that helps.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    You shouldn't go under 1200cals a day. Also get some exercise, its an important part of a healthy lifestyle. I get at least 30mins 5 times a week.

    Good Luck. :)
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    get ready for 101 different "answers" to your question.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 751 Member
    My understanding is that anything under 1200 is not healthy. Also, don't want to be negative but it seems for your height that amount of loss would not be healthy. Habe you discussed your weight loss plan with a doctor or nutritionist?
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'd say the weight you're trying to reach is the unhealthier part. But yes, you're slowing your metabolism, messing with hormones, and not being the smartest eating at that net for a prolonged period of time.
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    Eating too few calories can actually backfire and sabotage your weight-loss efforts. The most effective way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you expend. If your calorie intake dips too low, your body could go into starvation mode. Your body will start to store fat because it thinks it is not going to get anything. You will be at a point where your body is kind of at a standstill. When you cut your calories so low your metabolism slows and you stop losing weight.

    Good luck!
  • mrsgrant
    mrsgrant Posts: 9 Member
    are you sure you need to lose weight? that seems like a healthy weight for your age and height but im no doctor...
    i would suggest that you consult with your doctor or a nutritonist before you start on a diet..also people that diet at 1200 or 1300 calories per day are supposed to be being monitored by a doctor..that is what i have always heard
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    No. I very rarely ever net near that, but I do eat about 200kCal+ / day and then just beast myself in the gym. Never gone hungry, not had extreme weight loss and stayed healthy too.

    I ate lots, but low calorie, low fat and nutritious. Quite high in carbohydrate and protein, but low GI carbs and good lean protein, like lean skinless chicken/turkey breast, extra extra lean mince steak, low fat cottage cheese, low fat cream cheese, baked beans, chickpeas etc.

    If you have fat to lose, then your body will use it if you're beasting yourself.

    If you are netting less than 1200 without doing exercise and not at least eating the 1200 then thats when to be cautious. If you are burning, for example 500 kCal in the gym and have a calorie goal of 1200 and eat for example 1400kCal and have a 300kCal deficit, then this shouldn;t be too bad, but I think setting such extreme losses so soon is too much. Try aiming for 0.5lb /week loss and making sure you fuel your body properly for workouts, repair and building new lean tissue and not fat.

    A lot goes for where your calories come from and how "nutritious" they are.

    Hope that makes sense, add me if you want more info.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    The following is just a "for instance"...not advising...
    Your BMR is 1410.6

    And if your activity level is sedentary, 1410.6 x 1.3 = 1834.3 - 500 calories = 1324.3,,,,
    This is the very least you should eat per day, and if you exercise, add your calorie burn to this number, then make sure you are eating back those exercise calories.
    That's just me running some numbers to double check .

    The following IS ADVICE:
    Just follow the MFP recommendations for 1 lb per week weight loss to your goal which is too low in my opinion.
    To each their own, but MFP make it very simple.
    The ones who fail are those who over reach.
    Don't fall into that trap. It's not a race.

    Good luck!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Good luck getting an answer. Everyone says you shouldn't go below 1200 calories a day. Meaning 1199 is unhealthy. If you exercise make sure you eat back all you calories to get to 1200. So if you eat 1200 daily and exercise to burn 500, you need to eat back that 500 that same day or your body will start eating itself within minutes. Be aware!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member

    Your absolute lowest healthy weight range is 108 lbs.
    Your upper range of NORMAL weight is 145 lbs.

    You're already down at the low end. Your BMI is 21.5 (normal is 18.5 - 24.9)

    Why would you want to look like a skeleton? Don't eat less than 1200 per day.
  • EdBogie
    EdBogie Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone! I suppose I wrote that wrong, I AM burning about 200 calcories a day doing some light cardio, so I eat about 1400, give or take, which is why I said "net". Anywho, I did talk my doctor a few months ago, and he told me to "watch my weight and to eat healthier and exercise", and that was BEFORE my 10 pound gain so I was 115 at the time. I was a bit surprised by his comment, as I hadn't thought of myself as overweight enough for my doctor to actually bring it up, but alas, he did.

    But thanks again everyone for your feedback, I suppose I'll stick to 1200 and try to eat back what I burn beyond that.

    Oh, and I'm not trying to make myself skin and bones, I just want to get rid of my thick thighs and be overall fitter.
  • Also don't forget that 1500kcal is way healthier (and you will probably lose some weight) than 1200kcal of junk. I have no idea what your diet is like, but take it into consideration?
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    I often net below 1200, but that is on days when I do an almost two hour workout and have burned 800 or so calories. My calorie goal is 1450 without exercise, so I eat those, plus some of my exercise calories back, but I don't eat all of them back simply because I am full and eat very healthy - I suppose I could eat them all back if I ate junk food, but I don't want to do that. I'm still losing, and am never hungry and have never felt healthier, so that seems to work for me.