littleraab Member


  • Actually, it is true. Learned it in my nutrition class in college from a professor who is a leader in the field.
  • Your metabolism is highest early in the day. Eating a lot right before you go to bed is not the best, because you don't digest the food as well and your body is not burning a lot of calories while you sleep. This means that your body is going to store more of the food as opposed to turning it straight into energy. Fruits…
  • It already figures in a calorie deficit, so you should be eating as close to the number of calories it gives you as possible. If you are exercising, you should at least eat back part of your exercise calories to promote a healthy metabolism.
  • Add me!!!! My total goal is to lose 95 lbs. So far, I have lost 8. I'll be doing really well for a while with excercising 5-6 days per week and keeping a good handle on my food intake, but then I will fall off the wagon. Not losing hope, but the road will definitely be a long one.
  • Wow!!! Looking great! Keep up the good work. I have 87 pounds to go. It is always motivating to see that someone has accomplished this. It means I can do it, too!
  • Ideally, from a metabolism perspective, working out in the morning is best because it raises your metabolism for the rest of the day...but if you are tired and stiff in the morning, you are not pushing yourself as hard as you probably should be. Time is also a crucial factor. I agree with everyone here...the best time to…
  • Water is a great way to help you feel full. Often times, when you think you are hungry you are actually thirsty. As for drinking water before a meal, it needs to be at least a 1/2 hour before you eat. Drinking water dilutes the acid in your stomach that digests your food. You will be able to digest your food better if that…
  • The symptoms sound like textbook low blood sugar. The solution: eat something before you workout. In the morning, your blood sugar is basically at a fasting level because you haven't eaten for the 6-8 hours you were sleeping. Working out causes that level to drop even farther. If you eat something before you work out or…
  • Don't beat yourself up too much. It could be water weight. I have to keep this in mind every time I get on the scale. If I have gained a few pounds that seem to have come out of nowhere, the first thing I need to look at is what time of the month it is. If it is water weight, it will come off as quickly as it came on…