Cool so sounds like I'm not doing anything wrong by not logging it :D
This always makes me SO happy! I like to think it means I'm learning what a serving of a certain item looks like ;)
What app is this?
So glad they're doing this! Even more reason to get out and walk :smile:
Doctor Who FTW!
The new pants I bought 1 1/2 months ago because none of my other pants fit are now too big.
I have ice cream nearly every day, yet I've still managed to continue losing weight. Moderation is key when eating treats.
I flipping LOVE Subway! They are my go-to lunch place when I don't bring anything because they are tasty, cheap, and a mile walk round trip from my office (so I get a little bit of extra exercise). I typically will get a footlong and split it up between two lunches.
This made me think about what number I had on my license, so I looked. I actually weigh less now than I did then! That's also exciting :D
I was able to fit into a medium shirt for the first time since I was in high school!
This is what I typically do and it works out well for me. While it can be seen as a bit of a "setback" because you're losing some of the work you've put in, I always see it as something positive. Enjoy yourself and know that you can always jump back in when you get back from your vacation.