

  • I am just learning!
  • Cucumber is an interesting choice! I think I might just give that a try.
  • I started the 30day Shred plus I'm biking and working out with my personal trainer once a week.
  • I'm 5'4" with 30lbs to lose! Count me in on the team!!!
  • Congratulations on kicking the Diet Coke habit! What about making a fresh lemon drink? water & lemon? I don't know what Stevia would be like with that if you wanted it sweet. I love water and lemon, I wash the lemon up, throw in a quarter of the lemon and tada! yummy freshness. adding grated fresh ginger is tasty too and…
  • Hey! Did day one and it wasn't a struggle! We'll see how I do tomorrow...or the day after that... Those of you who are stretching longer are on the right track! Each static stretch should be between 30-40 seconds to be effective. I'm giving you this info as someone with sport injury training. @Pepperedmoth : I couldn't…
  • i'm hopping in with y'all tomorrow morning! Last time I tried 30day shred I didn't get past level one...yikes! I've been doing other workouts since then so should be successful this time around!
  • good luck! You can do it! I'm newish too, feel free to friend me! I started getting active again about a year ago. Now, I'm trying to get my eating in order cause I don't eat enough in a day. if you check out the food database you can look up food from some of your favourite restaurants. So, if you do have to eat out you…
  • Good Luck! About a year ago I had that moment where I realized I had to take control of my life. I started to work out and it took until about 3 months ago for me to actually enjoy exercising. I've known that my eating is waaay off but didn't know how to get it on track until I found this little app called MFP. and now I'm…
  • Welcome! I'm new too. We are about the same size with about the same goal. Only I'm 10 years older! yikes! Anywho, good luck with your goal. I work out mostly outside of the gym. My "gym" consists of an exercise ball, skip rope, a couple of weights and the outside world! Add me as a friend if you like. Positive support is…
  • Welcome! You can do it! Feel free to add me.
    in Yes I Can! Comment by sunshian June 2011