New Mom on Board

:heart: Hey all. I am Kaci. Just starting out. Looking for some "Weightloss buddies" to help me push through this. Sounds corny, I know. Haha. You can read my stats below and know I have a ways to go, but I really want to do it this time. I am going to school to be a forensic technician, aka CSI, and I don't want my weight or lack of energy to get in the way of my job. My husband is a big help, but how much help can someone who is 6'1", 180 lbs with a high metabolism going to be, really? Haha. But anyway. Good luck to everyone on reaching your goals!

SW: 179.5
GW: 135ish, would love 130 though


  • sunshian
    sunshian Posts: 12
    Welcome! I'm new too. We are about the same size with about the same goal. Only I'm 10 years older! yikes! Anywho, good luck with your goal. I work out mostly outside of the gym. My "gym" consists of an exercise ball, skip rope, a couple of weights and the outside world! Add me as a friend if you like. Positive support is always appreciated!