Philly is here!

Hello everyone! This is my first day on and I am excited! I have a huge goal of losing 50lbs by my 30th birthday which is October 26th! I need all the support and focus I can get. Especially when it comes to what to eat. I usually just choose not to eat because I'm afraid I will not eat the right thing especially when I am out. Which is not good for my metobolism but seems like a better option than french fries are those darn 20 piece nuggets that are on sale right now! LOL! Anyway! HELLLLLPP!!!

Thanks and I look forward to adding as many supporters as possible!


  • sunshian
    sunshian Posts: 12
    good luck! You can do it!

    I'm newish too, feel free to friend me! I started getting active again about a year ago. Now, I'm trying to get my eating in order cause I don't eat enough in a day.

    if you check out the food database you can look up food from some of your favourite restaurants. So, if you do have to eat out you can decide ahead of time what the healthier choice for you is. Look up those nuggets....I'm sure they aren't worth that sale price! ;)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    nice title!!! I'm a Philly girl too! Welcome, and feel free to add me! (I have a trip to mexico planned for the same time as your birthday, so I need to be in ridiculous shape by then too haha)
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    Hey I live near Philly and welcome!

    Your goal is to lose weight way too fast (and to be honest unrealistic) but that being said.. by October if you stick to your guns you could feel and look damn fine!
