babycinders Member


  • I'm with you. I've been using MFP on and off since last summer. During the late summer and fall I was doing awesome. Tracking my food every day and working out 4-5 times a week. I had lost a good 30lbs but sadly as winter approached I let stress and relationship issues get the better of me and pretty much gained it all…
  • I slack last week on the exercises so I didn't lose anything but I weigh in tomorrow for week three and I'm excited cause I know I kicked butt this week. Would love to continue with the group. Logging in and reading every ones posts does help me keep motivated. I'm determined to make it to my goal for New Years. :)
  • Kinda in a bummed mood right now. I went through the closet and decided to try on some clothes I haven't worn in over a year. Still not quite there yet. I was able to get them on but didn't look right at all...still some lumps and bumps that just didn't make them look flattering. I know it's going to take time but still…
  • So today I decided to try something different. Normally when I get home I'll start dinner, eat, clean up around the apartment a bit and get the dishes done (to help with digestion) and then I do my work out. But today I decided to try working out as soon as I got home. Feel pretty good although I'm very hungry! (last snack…
  • Ok, so I actually re-weighed myself this morning and also took some measurements. My actual starting weight for this challenge is 215lbs. I know that seems like a dramatic drop from just yesterday (when I said it was 220) but when i weighed myself yesterday I was already dressed and had already eaten…
  • I weighed in this morning and my starting weight for the challenge is 220lbs. I'll have to post my measurements later after I get home from work. Excited for the challenge :)
  • Hi, I'd like to join the challenge. I joined MFP back sometime in the beginning of the summer. A friend of mine suggested it to me but honestly I didn't take it very seriously, only checking in once in a while. A few weeks ago though, with fall starting and all my summer activities coming to an end, I knew I needed to…