

  • I throw a serving of Trader Joe's dark chocolate covered almonds or berries into my lunch to snack on at work or have a small handful after dinner sometimes :) The 73% cocoa almonds or the dark chocolate power berries are my favorites! You have to eat foods you love, just pick healthier options and watch your portions!
  • You should be weary of ANYTHING processed and/or artificial that you put into your body. Your body is not artificial, so why should you feed it anything artificial? Fresh food, fresh body.
  • It's gonna be a long time before you lose enough weight that your feet will get smaller. If you need new shoes, don't risk an injury by exercising in the wrong shoe, wear a pair that fits you now.
  • Naturally high protein, low fat or fat free, and the plain/unflavored kind is usually relatively unprocessed so it's much better for you than other kinds of yogurt that have a lot of sugar.
  • You might have pulled something, if you have been doing new exercises you might not be in the correct position when you do them. You might want to meet with a trainer to make sure so you can avoid injury. If the pain persists for more than a day or two, you should definitely see a doctor.
  • Some of the fat and oil melts off when you cook the chicken. Cooking the chicken also basically changes the protein conformations inside of the meat, so it's somewhat of a different substance than when the chicken is raw, so your body digests it differently. Ultimately... I would go with whatever the calorie count is for a…
    in Confused Comment by gfergus1 August 2011
  • I don't eat at TGI Friday's but I'm sure you can go on their website and download a pdf file with the complete nutritional information for all their menu items. Most chain restaurants have that available.
  • I thought the same thing until I started the Couch-to-5K program! I am at the end of week #2 and going strong. I highly recommend it!!
  • My favorite thing to eat for breakfast is a low fat whole grain frozen waffle (I like the Kashi 7 Grain or Eggo Nutri-Grain) with one tablespoon reduced fat peanut butter and about 1/2 tablespoon of jam - less than 200 calories :)
  • I don't have two different size feet, but sometimes it can be really difficult to find shoes in my size so I often have to buy a size up. I buy shoe inserts, they make the inside of the shoe a bit tighter so the larger size doesn't bother me as much. I like the gel ones that just support the heel as opposed to the ones…
  • My best friend has been taking the GNC Be-Beautiful chewables ( ) and she swears her nails thicker and growing like crazy.
  • BMI calculations are inaccurate because it can't portray fat to muscle ratios, every person's body is proportioned differently. If you are concerned you should talk to a doctor.
  • I agree, other people need to step in before it gets that extreme, but the extreme cases are what we are talking about. For these extreme cases, it is absolutely the government's job since the parent's obviously are not listening to other's advice, and that's what CPS is there for. I'm not saying it was right for the…
  • Just to set the record straight, if everyone had actually read the article, the children they are referring to are not "fat", they are morbidly obese and their lives are in danger because they are so overweight. The article states that these children are at risk of dying by the age of 30! There is NO excuse for that! It…