

  • I saw this Paula Dean show once where she made Bread Pudding from day old Krispy Creme's instead of bread. Lots of heavy cream and sugar later.....she says "Now, this isn't something you'd want to eat every day" LOL!! I've never tried to make it, but I've always wanted to.
  • I love the Vicar of Dibley!! What an awesome show. Mind you, Dawn French is just lovely, regardless. Ever see the episode where she wanted to go on the radio with a program called "The Vicars Knickers" ?:laugh: Oh, and the puppy is nice too.
  • I totally second that. I'd really like a crunchy pickle rigth now!
  • I completely understand how you feel. I've come a long way in my wheight loss, but still every now and then I'll be strutting along thinking I look good, then someone pulls out a camera and ruins it. But it happens less and less. It will for you too. Don't give up, just keep thinking you're fabulous and eating right and…
  • It's such a blast, plus it's great excersise. You have to really work all the tummy muscles. I've heard of Spanx. I looked at thier website but was a little disapointed by the prices. Perhaps I'll save up and invest in a good one!
  • Ok, I have a question. I'm going to a formal function and have bought a dress that is very beautiful. The problem is that it really only fits right when I've just woke up and haven't drank any water or eaten or whatnot. By the time evening comes I'm slightly more bloated. It's not so much of a weight loss issue as it is a…
  • Good morning. I'm relitively new hear, but enjoying it. Wednesday's are pretty kick *kitten*.
  • About two years ago I got divorced and was 210lbs. I lost 50lbs in one year, which I did the right way, excersizing, lean cusine etc. I wish I had found this site then. Anyway, I remember what it felt like when I co-worker made a comment "We've been seeing less of you around the office, haven't we?" I felt like a million…
  • [sarcasm] No, I have no idea what you're talking about [/sarcasm]
  • I totally understand the obsessiveness of it. So I try not to click on it. I do think it's a great guidleine though.
  • Thanks guys! I appreciate it. Btw..I'm a tax accountant, not a cake decorator, I just do it for my friends birthdays and such.
    in Cake Comment by omkranti September 2008
  • Yeah, I should probably go get a slice. Otherwise I'll end up baking and my boyfriend doesnt like cake, so I end up eating the whole thing.
    in Cake Comment by omkranti September 2008
  • I want to eat a whole cake. I don't want to do things like that very often, but I've been really good for 3 weeks and I have this awful fantasy about eating a whole one. I've had no cake since I started MFP. Anyone ever have this problem? If so, what should I do? (besides eat cake) BTW...that cake in the picture, I made…
    in Cake Comment by omkranti September 2008
  • I've also found a love for peaches lately. Mainly because they are yum, but they also fill me up and they are only 35 cals. :) Besides, living in Cedaredge, it's peach season, so they're free!
  • I have a really hard time drinking water, so that very well could be it. So you're saying that when I don't drink enough water it results in my body retaining water? Interesting. btw...I'm a tax accountant, so this is really out of the scope of my knowlege. :) It's great to learn things like this.
  • Hi all, Love the site. Long time lurker, first time poster. I have a question. Why is it that when I excersise the scale goes up? It happens all the time. Yesterday I didn't go over 1200 calories, I walked about an hour, but when I got on the scale this morning it was 2lbs more than it was the prevoius day. Other days I…