

  • All exercise you do adds up, so if you walk for 10 mins in the morning and 10 mins in the afternoon, it equals 20 mins overall. It doesn't make any difference if you do it all in one go, or split it up throughout the day.
  • From what I can see, either should be fine. Most food searches in MFP for meat bring up the different ways to cook it, as well as raw versions to choose from.
  • I practically ignore the calories on the treadmill. I tend calculate any workouts using the exercise calorie calculators on sites such as this one. Simply break your workout down into the times spent on different speeds and add them all individually. :)
  • I have been reading up on this aswell and I have started to use the 3-2 breathing method. The way this works is that you inhale for 3 steps and exhale for 2. The idea behind this seems to be that each time you initiate an inhale, you are landing on a different foot which helps to avoid stitches.