veganza Member


  • Have you read Vegan For Life by Jack Norris RD and Ginny Messina RD? A good alternative if high carb doesn't suit. No good for me, either. I pack on weight with carbs, feel like lethargic garbage! They also run a few websites: and and I struggle to keep my cholesterol and…
  • I've been vegan for 7 years and I'm just starting HCRV after years of interest + moving to the tropics. Still eating a few cooked bits and pieces, here and there, depending on food price fluctuations... I live in an expensive part of the world! Please feel free to add me, fellow HCRVs!
  • Hi! I've been vegan for 7 years and I'm finally trying out the frugivore thing after years of interest... Have you read 80/10/10 by Doug Graham or checked out the 30BananasADay forum yet?
  • Hi! I've been vegan for 7 years. I love ALL THE FOOD, as it were. I've become more and more wholefoodie over the years, and tried gourmet raw and gluten-free on and off. Currently I'm trying out the 80/10/10 low-fat/high-carb raw vegan "banana wagon" and really enjoying it! My husband and two kids are vegans as well.…
  • Hi! Looking around for fellow-vegans. I've been vegan for just over 5 years! Put on weight during pregnancy eating LOADS of potatoes due to morning sickness, and HEAPS of gourmet raw nut-cakes (yum! hehe). Just decided to take the high-carb/low-fat approach to weight loss, with a heavy emphasis on increasing raw again. As…