swimmamum Member


  • Oh no!!! You need to get a great multi for women and you should really add a B complex to it. This ensures that your body is in complete working order and that it doesn't suffer or slow down on you!!
  • I would drink tonnes and tonnes of water. Cut your carbs out completely between now and then (no rice, pasta or bread). If you really want to see a jump in your weight, you can do a day of cayenne pepper water and apples. I did this before a wedding last year and I felt incredible the day of the wedding. I drank 3 litres…
  • I think what you're doing is great! Way to go! I started a kettlebell class that I do 3 times a week, as well as regularly walking and running 5-6 times per week. I incorporated the weight training because I read a lot of literature on how important it is for women to include strength training into their daily regime.…
  • This is definitely odd. I rarely weigh myself in the evening and then again in the morning, so I can't offer any mutual encouragement. I would check your scale. Maybe you need a new one. Is it in the bathroom? Sometimes humidity can affect them. It seems like a big discrepancy in weight though: 2 kilos is a lot. All I can…
  • Congratulations! That's awesome. I do hope you keep the weight off. And you're right, obesity is very dangerous. But artificial sweeteners, EVERY DAY???!!! They are NOT safer than obesity. Who told you that? I wouldn't post if I didn't care. I have a special needs son and two other children. He will need a lot of help when…
  • Right on! We have to be HEALTHY! Not just skinny. What a waste of time to work hard, get thin and then be seriously ill. We all live in this world where we think nothing bad will happen to ME, but honestly it has to happen to someone, why not ME? Stevia also has risks, but has naturally been around longer. It comes from a…
  • This is why you were having headaches. I am sorry to be a harpy, but I hate to read all these fab posts about the wonders of CL when it is so obviously dangerous to you all. Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious…
  • Hi all, My sister loves CL, too. I have to voice my opinion on this. It contains a dangerous chemical. If you really need flavour in your water, you are better to mix up a big jug of water with slices of oranges, maybe a few strawberries thrown in. There is only 16 calories in a teaspoon of raw cane sugar, so you can add a…
  • Count it as water! I would. I think by flavoured water, they mean the Crystal Lights and all that stuff that's terrible for you. Stay away from fake sugars while you're dieting. It causes a false spike in insulin, which causes your body (muscles) to crave the energy it cannot get from those empty calories. I know it might…
  • You probably have lost some. But if you haven't, don't lose heart. Sometimes it takes your body time to adjust to the changes in energy balance. If you were consuming between 4 and 5000 calories a day and now you are half that (presumably) your body is simply taking a bit to get used to it. Have you been exercising? Not…
  • But everyone's weight is not in the same areas. I am quite proportionate so at 160, I fit a 10 at the Gap. If you have a small upper body, you may wear a larger bottom at that weight.
  • I agree with everything said so far. My "normal" weight or the weight I was before the kids, was about 160. Honestly, I got down to 153 once because I was running a lot and a lot of people asked if I was okay. I have a big frame and I was always an athlete, so I think anything lower and I would look too thin. But who…